Independence day and Republic day
26th Jan : Republic Day.
Difference between
Independence day and Republic Day.
Independence day is the day, India became free from the British rule.
Republic day is the day , Indian people became the rulers of independent India.
Independence day is celebrated on 15th August ( from 1947).
Republic day is celebrated on 26th Jan ( from 1950).
On independence day, India secured its own National Flag.
On republic day, India declared its own constitution and officially adopted its National Anthem.
Removed all the Rajas, Maharajas, Nawab, Sultans and other hereditary rulers from the power.
Independent country means, free from any external ( foreign ) control.
Republic country means free from hereditary rulers.
It is a rule by the people's representatives.
No hereditary head,( monarch or king or maharaja or nawab or Sultan )
In a Republic, the rulers are not selected by hereditary status but elected by the people's mandate.
UK, even though Democratic, because the Queen is the Head of the State ( UK), it is not Republic.
Japan, even though Democratic, because the Emperor is the Head of the State (Japan), it is not Republic.
India is Democratic as well Republic. ( there are no hereditary rulers )
USA is Democratic as well Republic. ( there are no hereditary rulers )
India is proud to be DEMOCRATIC as well REPUBLIC
Democratic : Demos means people, democracy means rule of the people.
Republic : Res Publica means public matter, Public are the owners or rulers. No monarchs ( kings)
India is an Independent country which means, India is a Sovereign country .
( Sovereign means free from any other country's control )
In the preamble ( Introduction ) the Indian Constitution says.
India is "Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic".
Sovereign = Totally free from any external control of any country.
Socialist = Adopting elements of socialism.
Secular = Neutral in the religious matters.
Democratic = Demos ( Greek) means People = Democracy means rule of the people.
Republic = No hereditary rulers. Rulers are elected by the people.
On independence day, India got freedom from British. The British flag was brought down from ramparts of Red Fort.
and Indian National flag was hoisted by the first PM Pandit Jawaharal Nehru at the midnight ( 14th midnight).
On Republic Day ,Indians got right to vote and elect their government.
On Republic day , India got its First President of Indian Republic ( Dr.Rajendra Prasad )
On Republic day , Indian Constitution came into force.
On Independence Day the Prime Minister ( Head of the Government ) hoists the flag on the ramparts of Red Fort.
On Republic Day the President ( Head of the State or country) hoists the flag on the ramparts of Red Fort.
The president is the head of the state, Here state means country ( India). Not states like Karnataka, TN, Andra , etc,.
PM is the Head of the Government, President is the Head of the State ( Country-India)).
PM is the real Chief executive, President is the nominal Chief Executive. In reality PM is powerful than President .
: On Republic day, the people's rule was brought in.
------------------------------------------------------- By M S Vincent : Jan 2014
posted by M.S Vincent at
7:34 PM