Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thirukkural on GAMBLING


Thiruvalluvar says, even if a person is capable of winning, he should not desire to gamble.  The first winning will be so tempting , it will compel  to continue till everything is lost. Winning will act like a bait (worms) kept on the hook (தூண்டில் முள் ) to capture a fish.
The fish that bites the bait ( worm) kept on the hook,  
would get captured .
Like this winning would tempt to continue  till every thing is lost.
So, even if  capable of winning,  one should  not gamble.
வேண்டற்க வென்றிடினும் சூதினை வென்றதூம்
தூண்டிற்பொன் மீன் விழுங்கி அற்று (931)
Gambling is found in the world  from the time immemorial. In Mahabharata, Dharmaraja known for his noble and gentle qualities gambled.  First he lost his property, then palaces, then lands, then servants, then brothers, finally, he was asked to bet his wife Draupati. In those days wives were the properties of husbands. He lost his wife. Dharmaraja known for all virtues became a victim of the gambling.

Los Vegas of US is a sin city known for gambling in Casinos.These Casinos are big restaurants providing variety of gambling. It is said that these are adrenaline fuelled gambling centres that attrack millions of people every year. We stayed in Venetian Casino in Los Vegas, it is an Italian type luxury hotel with European environment. The spirit of Venice is brought alive in it. Everywhere luxury, the door handles of the rest room are gold plated. The items kept in the fridge are automatically billed when taken out.

Slot machines are the most popular form of gambling in Casinos.They are rolling machines . Hundreds of them are placed in a big semi dark  hall in every Casino. Some gambling currencies are given free by the hotel authorities to tempt the visitors to gamble. I entered and occupied a slot machine. It was very easy to operate, I used the currencies given  and started gambling. I won  a few times. It was so tempting, I purchased gambling currencies for another 100 dollars. 

Call girls dressed in mini skirts and low cut tops move round with a tray hanging from their necks ( remember, it is the sin city of the world). Trays contained free coke, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. In spite of winning a few times, I lost all the dollars . The machines are so cunningly calipered, one  would never gain but lose something or everything. Thiruvalluvar says,  " By winning one , hundred is lost in gambling. " ( ஒன்று எய்தி, நூறு இழக்கும் ). 

Apart from slot machines, gambling like poker, black jack, craps, baccarat, roulette are available. People entering like emperors return empty handed like beggars . Gambling in Casinos is so tempting,  even  strong minded  will find very difficult to get up from  the intoxicating slot machines. In Casinos , as Thiruvalluvar said, " gaining one and losing hundred "  is absolutely true.

Thiruvalluvar asks this in a kural,

Is there happy living for a person involved in
gambling who gains one and loses hundred ? " ( Kural 932 )

ஒன்று எய்தி நூறு இழக்கும் சூதர்க்கும் உண்டாம்கொல்
நன்று எய்தி வாழ்வதோர் ஆறு.(932)
( ஒன்று எய்தி நூறு இழக்கும் = Gaining one and losing hundred )
Horse race  is an equestrian gambling. Ancient times chariot race  of Greek and Rome took the shape of modern horse race. In India, horse race is a legacy of British rule. Tamil Nadu Government abolished it in 1986 but Supreme court gave clearance by naming  it, " a game of  skill. "  After this verdict ,  Horse Race  resurrected  in Tamil Nadu. 

Once, horse race was a gambling of rich but today,  during the race,  the auto drivers  park autos in hundreds  in front of the Turf . Many had become paupers . I know a person who always used to say , " just missed the Jackpot ", finally he became almost a beggar and declared insolvency. He was nicknamed , ' Jackpot Jerry ' ,  during his last days, became insane , roaming about  everywhere murmuring, " I  just missed the Jackpot ". ( In horse race, Jackpot brings a huge return. ) 

Thiruvalluvar says ,

A person addicted to the rolling dice ( gambling ) ,
if gambles continuously,  
will allow his wealth to go away to other's hand. (933)

உருளாயம் ஒவாது கூறின் பொருளாயம்
போஒய்ப் புறமே படும்.( 339)
உருளாயம் = gambling dice. பொருளாயம் = wealth.  போஒய்ப் புறமே படும் = go away to other's hand

In 1970-ies, " lottery gambling " entered into Indian states and  affected the life of many. Bhutan and Sikkim introduced online lottery and looted the  common man's purse. 
I was owning a printing press in 1970-ies. I had a composer who was a  very bad addict to lottery gambling. His dream was not to win in crores but in lakhs to  buy a  printing press and sit in the owner's seat. Occasionally , he used to win but never more than five hundred rupees.  inspired by this meagre gain, he used to  borrow money to purchase more  tickets. Only when Karnataka State abolished lottery in 1998, he became a responsible family head. Lottery has  not been  completely abolished till to-day in all the states of India. Different states have different laws governing lottery. 

Matka is a gambling involving  numbers, it originated in Bombay ( Mumbai). It had ruined the life of many daily wagers. Money is handled by bookies called  Khaiwals, who are controlled by criminals . In 2008 , the Bombay Matka king Suresh Bhagat was killed in a road accident. His wife Jaya and son Hitesh were arrested on the charges of killing Bhagat in an engineered accident. According to police, both of them along with five others conspired to kill Bhagat to capture the huge matka empire. Later on this case was dropped.

Online gambling is an another addiction, there are large number of  online gambling which offer Casino games like Roulette, Bingo , etc.
Frank Sarakakis of Greece lost 16 million dollars in 1994 in a Roulette game in London. Roulette is a gambling involving deeply complex guessing. It is a gambling wherein a huge amount can be lost in no time. In Los Vegas within a few seconds,  Roulette gambling makes many rich people homeless and nameless. ( In Roulette, there are variety of betting options, a gambler can make more bets, according to probability, in  Roulette, " more bets a gambler makes,  more he will lose independent of  the strategies  adopted." )

Cricket betting and match fixing, in spite of heavy restrictions,  remains unabated. According to the reports, Cricket betting  in India amounts to well over US$ 5 billion annually.

Whatever may be the type of gambling , Thiruvalluvar says, the gamblers will ultimately lose  five important assets, 

Dress, wealth, food, glory, learning, all these five, 
will depart from those who are addicted to gambling. (939)
 உடை, செல்வம், ஊன், ஒளி, கல்வி என்று ஐந்தும்
அடையாவாம் ஆயம் கோளின் (939)
Even though Thiruvalluvar had said it  2000 years ago,
it holds good even to-day.



It is amazing that Valluvar thought of these things, like you said, about two thousand years back and they are valid for ever. His range of topics covered is also impressive. Your explanations are focussed and lucid and make it possible for even someone like me to follow Kural. No wonder it is called Tamil Marai that we can go back to again and again.
You probably know it already. The native Indians land is soverign outside the jurisdiction of the local law. They are called "reservations" and have many gaming parlours managed by consultants who are non-Indian. Some are also tribe managed. Lot of money is made by a few "leaders" but sadly the economic and social condition of the average Indian is very poor. They have a high incidence of alcoholism and unemplopyment. And then there are offshore gambling ships. You are taken by boat on "cruises" just outside international waters a few miles into the ocean where local laws do not operate. The vessels return to shore the same day.
The crooks are always one step ahead!
Pattabhi Sankaran

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Holy week

HISTORY OF CHRISTMAS AND EASTER     by M.S.Vincent, Bangalore.

All the information given are checked and counter checked through many sources including, "  many Christian Encyclopaedia "
1) Why is  the Resurrection day  called Easter day ?
St.. Bedes (672 -735 AD ) who was an English scholar and historian believed that the word  Easter probably derived from " Eastre "  or  "Eostre"  the name of Scandivian goddess of spring whose festival is celebrated in the spring season. When Christianity Spread, the old Festival names were shifted to Christian feasts.
2) Why Easter is not celebrated in a fixed date like Christmas ?
Christian Churches celebrate immovable ( dates fixed ) feasts like Christmas  and movable feasts (dates  unfixed ) like Easter. Easter is associated with Paska or  Passover of  Jews.  Easter is fixed as follows.
After March 21st of every year, the full Moon day is noted, the Sunday following the full moon is Easter.
Take  the calendar of the year 2011, note March 21st, after this date,  the Full Moon falls on  Sunday the 17th   April ,  the following Sunday  is the Easter ( 24th April 2011 )
 March 21st is called "  Vernal Equinox ",  in astronomy  it is an important day for astronomical calculations.  The Sun enters  on that day into the Zodiac sign " First point of  Aries." On the day of Vernal  Equinox the duration of "Day"  and "Night"  are  equal. ( Vernal = Spring,  Equinox = Equal night.)

3) Why the beginning of lent days is called Ash Wednesday ?
Lent days in total are 46 days, if Sundays are excluded, it is 40 days.These forty days represent the forty day and night Jesus spent in desert, where he was tempted by Satan. Because of the practice of placing ash on the forehead in the churches , it is called Ash Wednesday. The ash reminds "you are dust, to dust you shall go."
Old Saxon word Lent means  " Spring ", because these days  are always observed  in Spring , it is called Lent days.
Also it is said that the word Lent is an old English word meaning "Lengthen" , because in Spring the days begin to get longer.
4) Why the previous day of Ash Wednesday is called " Fat Tuesday ? "
The lent days are days of " fasting and Praying", people in the western countries like to enjoy the day before the fasting period, they eat fatty foods, drink and celebrate with carnivals.The joyful celebration would suddenly end at Tuesday  mid night 12,  when  Ash Wednesday starts. Because of fatty foods consumed , it is called Fatty Tuesday.
5) Why Thursday before Good Friday is called " Maundy Thursday ?"  
Maundy means command ( Mandatum)  in Latin, This refers to the commandment of Christ  given  to his disciples  during the Last Supper to " love one another" . Christ washed the feet of the disciples as an act of humility, which is done symbolically by catholic priests on Maundy Thursday.  On this day the agony of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane is remembered.
John 13:34 ,  " A new command I give,  love one another as I have loved you "  this is the commandment ( Mandatum or Mandate ) given by Christ to His disciples.  From Mandatum derived Maundy.
 In Latin Mandatum Novum means " New Commandment " ( commonly Maundy Thursday is called  the Holy Thursday )
On this day four events are commemorated 1)  Foot washing by Christ  2) The institution of Holy Eucharistic at Last Supper  3)  Agony of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane  4)  Betrayal of Christ by Judas.
6) Why the day of Crucifixion is called Good Friday ?
In English, "God be with you " had gradually became  "good bye" 
Similarly it is said  " God Friday "   had become  " Good Friday "
But some argue that " Good Friday " is correct because it brought the greatest good,   "  Salvation "  to  the humanity.
7) Why palm Sunday is observed ?
Palm Sunday is observed one week before Easter. Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus riding on  a donkey into Jerusalem to celebrate passover . The crowd greeted him waving palm branches.
During Passover feast,  Israelites used to share brittle flat bread called unleavened  bread ( Matza ) which is made from flour mixed  with water, (without fermentation.) Christ shared Matza with His disciples during the Last Supper.

8) What is Passover festival ?
It is Paska or Pascha festival which the Jews celebrate commemorating the fleeing of them  from Egypt in 1300 BC ( approximately ). 
Jesus being a Jew,  went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover ( Paska ) and had the " Last Supper "  with His disciples.
This Passover festival starts in Spring  on the full Moon  day after 21st of March (Vernal Equinox)  , Jesus was Crucified during  this  Passover celebration and subsequently resurrected on the third day, hence the Easter is fixed after 21st  March after the Full Moon. 
 In the King James version of Bible ( 1611 AD ),  the word Pascha is translated as " Passover. "

In 1818 AD  the Easter was on  22nd March ,  next it will be in the year  2285 on 22nd March. The 22nd March is the earliest date for Easter. There can not be Easter before it.
The Easter Sunday will fall on any Sunday starting from 22nd March to 25 April.
9) Can you give future Easter dates ?
2010 Ash Wed Feb  17             Easter  April   4
2011                  Mar    9                           April   24
2012                   Feb 22                           April   8
2013                   Feb  13                          March  31
2014                   Mar    5                          April    20 
2015                   Feb  18                          April   5
2016                   Feb  10                          March 27
2017                   Mar    1                          April   16
2018                   Feb  14                          April  1
2019                   Mar   6                           April  21
2020                   Feb  26                          April 12  
2025                  Mar   5                            April  20
2030                  Mar   6                            April  21 
 Note : from  Ash Wednesday to Easter count 46  days.                 
There can not be Easter before 22nd March and  after 25th April in  any year. " March and April  " is spring season. Easter is also called Spring  Festival.  In 1943, the Easter fell  on 25th April, again in 2038,  
10 ) When was  this  formula  determined  ?
In the beginning, the festival of resurrection was celebrated in different dates by different denominations of Christianity.
 In 325 AD about 300 Bishops of various Christian Churches assembled at Nicaea ( now in Turkey ) to formulate uniform Christian  doctrine. This council was convened by Roman emperor Constantine. In this council of Nicaea, it was decided to celebrate Easter on a common day by all the churches.
The Council decided , " the feast of resurrection should be celebrated on the first Sunday after ( not on ) the first full moon after March  21". ( Ref : Book : Religious Holidays and Calendars. Page 78)
11) It is said that the Easter is  after the 21st of March on  the following Sunday after the Full Moon . If the Full Moon falls on 21st  March itself and it happens to be a Sunday, when will be the Easter ?
Easter will never be on 21st March, it will  be  only after it, in the above case,  the Easter will be celebrated on the following Sunday the 28th March. In the the Council of Nicaea , it is clearly declared that the feast of Resurrection should be celebrated after the 21st  March.
( I checked the entire  Ecclesiastical Calendar, in no year the Easter was celebrated on 21st of March. From the year 325 A D, the Easter is celebrated  uniformly by all the Churches.) 

Note: In astronomy, full Moon days are calculated by using " Metonic Cycle ", hence fixing future Easter dates are very easy.

( I studied Astronomy as one of my subjects in  my Mathematics degree in late fifties, which  had helped me to " check and counter check " some of the calendarical  and astronomical calculations connected with Easter.)
12) Why not the Easter be made an immovable feast like Christmas ?

There was a proposal for it, in 1963 , the Second Vatican Council agreed to make Easter an immovable festival provided a consensus is reached among the Christians Churches. The second Sunday in April has been suggested. It remains a proposal till to-day ( 2011)

13) Why Eater is said to a very important festival ?

Because it brought Salvation to the humanity, In Catholic Ecclesiastical Calendar ( Church events Calendar ) many feasts are fixed keeping Easter as the centre.
          46 days before Easter is " Ash Wednesday "
          40 days after Easter is " The feast of Ascension "
          50 days after Easter is " Pentecost"
          60 days after Easter is " Corpus Christi "   Etc.  
In the Second Vatican Council ( 1963 ) it was proposed to celebrate Easter on 2nd Sunday of April every year provided a consensus  is reached among the Christian churches. Till to-day ( 2011 ) it remains  a proposal.
14) When Jews are celebrating Easter ?
Jews are not Christians, they do not celebrate Easter, they Celebrate Passover or Pascha or Paska , which they are celebrating from 1300 BC,  ever since they fled from Egypt under the guidance and leadership of Moses.
For Jews, Christ is not the expected Messiah ( Messiah, derived from Hebrew meaning " the anointed one " )
They  are expecting the Messia., their religion is Judaism.
It was the first ancient religion that believed in one God ( monotheism) 

Polytheism  believes in many gods. (  Hinduism is said to be Polytheistic )
Aestheticism believes in no creator or God ( Jainism ),
Agnosticism doubts the existence of  God ( Buddhism ).
Christianity ( except Jehovah Witness) believes in the " doctrine of holy trinity " which advocates that God exists in three forms. ( Father, son and Holy Spirit ).

Note: 1) Theos = God ( Greek ), Theism = belief in the existence of God. ( Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism , Sikhism , etc )
.2) Atheos = without God ( Greek ), Atheism = no belief in the existence of God ) ( Jainism )
 3) Agnostic = One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is God or not. ( Buddhism )

15) When did Christ born ? 
In fact there is no authentic record for it. During the first 300 years, Christ's birthday was celebrated in different dates.
In the year 349 Pope Jullius I made 25th Dec as Christ's birthday.That year was made 1 AD.( Anno Domini = in the year of Lord ) .
Logically between 1 AD and 1 BC, there should be Zero year,  Zero year was left out unknowingly causing confusion in astronomical calculations
Eg :   +3, +2,+1, 0, -1,-2,-3
( In  astronomical calculations ,   zero year can not be ignored, it is taken into account by using a formula. )
16) Is the terms, " BC and AD " are used in all the countries ?
It was used in English language by all. But in modern days, some of the academicians are using the abbreviations BCE ( Before Common Era ) and ADC ( After Common Era ).

17) Is 25th Dec an accepted date of all the denominations ?
 Eastern and Russian Orthodox Churches celebrate Christmas on 7th January.

18) What historians say about Christ's birth year ?
They fix it 4 BC or before it. According to bible, after king Herod died an angel appeared in the dream of Joseph in Egypt and said , " Get up, take the child and mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to take the child's life are dead ."  (Mathew 2-19)
According to historians , King Herod died in 4 BC. So Christ should have born in 4 BC or before it.

19) Have all the countries agreed 25th Dec as Christ's birthday ?
Countries like Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Meldovia etc celebrate Christmas on 7th Dec.
Countries like Armenia ( not America ) celebrate on 6th Dec.

20) At what age Jesus was crucified ?
According to the  Bible , Jesus was born during the tenure of king Herod ( ruled : 37 BC - 4 BC )
Jesus was born during the  'Census of Rome'  which is believed to be taken place in 6 BC. 
According to historians, Jesus was born between 6 BC and 4 BC.
Jesus  was sentenced to crucifixion by Roman Prefect  Pontius  Pilate, who was in power between  26 AD  and 36 AD.
Considering all these factors, the historian conclude -
Life of Jesus,  33 to 36 years.
Ministry,  1 to 3 years
( all are approximate calculations only.)
===================Prepared referring books from  libraries of Berkley and Stanford Universities, US in 2008.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thirukkural on Homeless and Helpless

                                                  ( Victims of natural calamities like tsunami ) 

Thiruvalluvar calls the refugees as people from the south ( "தென்புலத்தார் ")
Why he call them homeless and helpless ?. Who should help them ?
Before going to the Thirukkural, let us see," What factors  make the people as refugees".

On Friday the  11th March 2011, century's worst  earth quake and tsunami hit Japan. Tsu in Japanese means harbour and nami means  wave, tsunami means harbour wave ( coastal wave ).  Friday and Saturday I was riveted to TV, earth quake and tsunami together demolished north east coast of Japan. Violently shook buildings fell like pack of cards. Walls of water whisked away everything , thousands of cars were floating  in the ferociously speeding sea water. Boats and  aeroplanes were seen scattered every where like toys. In a single village more than 10,000 people were  perished. The intensity was so high, the axis of the Earth was slightly tilted and day had become shorter in microseconds. The greatest tragedy is the radioactive leakage.
It is a pity , till to-day, science is unable to predict the occurrence of earth quakes. We have technology to measure the magnitude of Earth quakes in Richter scale  but  no technology to forecast. Untiring  efforts are going on to develop a device to predict earth quakes. Till  to-day,  it remains a dream.

Tsunami is the aftermath of an under sea earth quake, even though an earth quake can not be predicted, tsunamis can be guessed after an under sea earth quake and warning can be given to the nearby coastal regions. But in case of Japan,  both earth quake and tsunami were almost simultaneous.   

It has been observed that the animals and birds develop an  unusual behaviour prior to  an earth quake. On Feb 4, 1975 , Chinese evacuated the city Haicheng before an earth quake by observing the animals' unusual behaviour including restlessness .Even though it is said that the animals develop erratic behaviour preceding the earth quakes , it needs  scientific credibility.

Tsunami is not unknown to India.

In  Indian subcontinent,  south India  is largely affected by frequent storms, cyclones, minor and major tsunamis , hurricane, etc. Homeless people used to move to north Tamil  Nadu as refugees.

Tsunamis are coastal catastrophes that could turn towers into rubbles. If the epicenter of an earth quake is in  the ocean, mighty waves are formed  leading to Tsunamis.
Between 200 AD and 400 AD,  Poompukar ( பூம்புகார் ) of ancient Chola kingdom had perished by a tsunami.
In 1964 Dhanushkodi ( extension of   Rameshwaram ) had  wiped away by a  very strong cyclone.
In  December 2004,  thousands of people were killed in the east coast of Tamil Nadu by a tsunami.

Long back,  Madagaskar, Srilanka, Fiji islands, Malaysia, Indonesia,  south Africa, Australia, Zealand etc were  of same land mass.The entire land was called Lemuria (Kumari kandam   குமரிக் கண்டம் , many historians say Lemuria and Kumari Kandam are one and the  same )

Silapathikaram சிலப்பதிகாரம் ) written 1800 years ago in Tamil says, ' sea devoured Kumari ' ( குமரிக் கோடும் கொடுங்கடல் கொள்ள ) .Sea devouring ( gulping ) the  land is  Tsunami ( 
கடல்கோள் ).
 Manimagalai மணிமேகலை ) written 1600 years ago says, Poompuhar  ( பூம்புகார் ) an ancient port city of Chola kingdom  was swallowed by sea ( tsunami ) .This has the support of archeological findings of submerged ruins in the area of  Kaveripattinam ( ancient  Poompuhar ) .
The name  ' tsunami ' is new to our people but not the devastations of coastal catastrophes.  ( the ancient  names in Tamil for tsunami are கடல்கோள் , ஆழிப்பேரலை )
Churchward theory says  about 12000 years ago most of the lands 
collapsed into the  ocean and remaining lands were  formed into 

new continents. The missing continents are Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu.
Tsunamis had brought great disasters to the world, The legendary metropolis  city Atlantis 
was believed to be  washed away by a tsunami. Plato says,  the island Atlantis , " in a single day ...disappeared into the depth of the sea" . 

Recently by using deep ground radar, digital mapping and under water technology,  the location  of this Atlantis city has been traced. 
Earth,  after thousands of years will have a different face. 

In ancient days, homeless and helpless people  ( cyclone and  tsunami victims ) of south India migrated  to  north Tamil Nadu, Thiruvalluvar calls them  ' people from South '  தென்புலத்தார், They occupied  the out skirts of  villages and stayed  as refugees .Thiruvalluvar says, a house holder ( family man ) should look after these refugees ( தென்புலத்தார்).

The interpretation given above  as 'refugees'  for the people from south (தென்புலத்தார்) is based on the  history, considering the natural calamities that devastated the people of south in regular intervals.  For "தென்புலத்தார் "  Dr.S.M.Diaz in his translation says, " another interpretation ..... ....those escaped from the destructive action of the tidal waves in the south."( Book: Thirukkural by Dr.S.M. Diaz, page: 105 )

 Thirukkural 43  

தென்புலத்தார்/ தெய்வம்/ விருந்து/ ஒக்கல்/ தான் /என்று ஆங்கு

ஐம்புலத்து ஆறு ஓம்பல் தலை ( 43 )

A householder should be a patron of  people from south, God, 
guests, relatives and self. ( 43 )

The householder ( Grihastha = இல்லறத்தான் ) should be a patron-
To people from South (  refugees ) by helping them.
To God  by donating to the places of worship and people at His service.
To guests by hospitality.
To relatives by taking care of widows, sick, disabled  and aged of the family.
To self by taking care of his welfare, here self includes  wife and children .

In modern context-
It is the moral obligation of every country to rush with a helping hand
to save the countries affected by any  natural calamity.


========== Sent by M.S.Vincent  from Bangalore on 1st April 2011=============
