Vernal Equinox
Please read some astronomy explained in simple words.
On 20th March, the day time
and night time are equal
and night time are equal
20th March. Astronomically this day is known as " Vernal Equinox "
Which means equal day and night.( equi +nox = equal + night )
The sun crosses the celestial equator and
Moves in the celestial sphere from South to North.
From the next day , for the people of northern hemisphere ( India),
Day time will be increasing and night time will be decreasing.
For the people of southern hemisphere ( Australia)
Night time will be increasing and day time will be decreasing.
On 22st September, the Sun will move from northern hemisphere to southern .
It is called Autumnal equinox. On that day also, the Day and night will be equal.
From the next day,
The day time will be gradually increasing and the night time will be decreasing for them.
On Vernal equinox and Autumn equinox , the day and night will be almost the same.
The longest day will be on June Solstice, which on 21 June 2013.
The longest night will be on December Solstice, which on 21st December 2013.
Year 2013 has some peculiar aspects.
In the month of March, there are 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays.
Apart from this, , there are 5 eclipses in this year.
2 solar ( sun ) and 3 lunar (moon) eclipses.
April 25th Lunar
May 10th Solar
May 25th Lunar
Oct 18th Lunar
Nov 3rd Solar
( in 2011, 4 solar and 2 lunar = 6
in 2012 , 2 solar and 2 lunar = 4
in 2013 , 2 solar and 3 lunar = 5
in 2014 , 2 solar and 2 lunar = 4
in 2015, 2 solar and 2 lunar = 4 )
What is an eclipse ?
If the the moon hides the Sun , it is solar.
If the shadow of the earth falls on the moon , it is lunar.
What is the maximum number of eclipses in a year ?
7 eclipses.
4 solar and 3 lunar = 7
5 solar and 2 lunar = 7
Which years do the 7 eclipses ocurred ?
1935 ( 5 solar and 2 lunar = 7 )
1982 ( 4 solar and 3 lunar = 7 )
When do the next 7 eclipses in a year will occur ?
2038 ( 4 solar and 3 lunar = 7 )
What is the minimum number of eclipse in a year ?
2 eclipses , all solar.
Can there be a year without eclipses ?
No, there cannot be a year without eclipses.
On what days do the eclipses occur ?
Always Solar eclipse will occur on a New Moon day.
Always Lunar eclipse will occur on a Full Moon day.
What is Saros cycle ?
According to this, an eclipse will be repeated on the same day
After 6585.3213 days or roughly 18 years 11 days.
The wonder is, this fact was found out by ancient Babylonian astronomers
Several centuries before Christ.
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