Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. birthday
is on 15th Jan.( 1929)
He was a great leader of the Black Americans.
This is his statue sculptured at Washington. DC

Stock Photo of Martin Luther King Memorial Statue in Washington DC
Martin Luther King,
the uncrowned KING of Black Americans.
He was shot dead in 1968 at Memphis, US
In 2008 Dec, I went to Memphis from San Francisco.
I changed two planes to reach Memphis.
I went to pay my tribute to the great Black American leader, Martin Luther King Jr.
The Hotel room, where he was shot dead by a White man is made into
" The National Human Right Museum ".
When I entered into the hotel room which is preserved without any change,
tears rolled on my cheeks.
I felt, I am entering into a temple, a temple of a great human soul.
Uncrowned King of Black Americans.
He is burried in the minds of millions of Black Americans and admirers like me.
I paid tribute to my great hero by standing silent for
a few minutes in front of the hotel room.
His simple living and high thinking of getting equal rights
to his blood beings reminded me of Moses of Bible.
Moses redeemed Hebrew slaves from Egypt in 1200 BC ( approximately).
Martin Luther King Jr Day is observed on the third Monday of every January ,
It is a National holiday in US.
Saturday, Sunday and Monday continuously three days are holidays. It is a long weekend.
Martin Luther King was a great leader of Black Americans.
He fought for their rights.
Headed civil right movement, declared Gandhiji as his Guru, adopted non violence techniques.
He was shot dead in Memphis in the state of Tennessee on
4th April 1968 in the hotel where he stayed.
4th April 1968 in the hotel where he stayed.
He is one of my greatly respected leaders of the world.
when he was shot dead in 1968,
I was a High School teacher. In the morning prayer assembly ,
I spoke about him to the students.
I showed his photo to the students and explained his selfless service to the Black Americans.
At that time, I never thought that one day I could go and see the spot of his assassination.
300 years ago, Black people were brought from Africa as slaves to US.
\They were not bought by count but by weight.
They were treated worst than animals.
They were not allowed to eat with white people in a common hotel.
They were not allowed to share the toilets used by whites people.
They were not allowed to sit in the front rows of public buses.
They were not given equal wages for equal works in par with white people.
They were not given voting rights in the general election.
President Abraham Lincoln worked for the emancipation of slaves.
Slavery was abolished in 1865.
Unfortunately, he was shot dead in 1865 before he could do much,
Black people could not get justice from the Supreme Court.
In 1954 ,US Supreme Court declared that the Blacks are not American Citizens .
It was the greatest blow to the Black Americans.
Martin Luther King fought for the civil rights,
he used ' non violent civil disobedience' like Gandhiji.
He was shot dead in 1968.
After a many great struggles,
To-day , the Blacks of US called ' African Americans ' enjoy equal rights in US.
African American Obama had become the President of US.
If Matin Luther king would have lived ,
he would have become the first Black American president of US.
he would have become the first Black American president of US.
===========================================Jan 2013/US/
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