Sunday, May 30, 2010


Infants Lisping
( Infants lisping = Infants broken early talk = மழலை )

On Monday the 3rd May 2010 , I was talking with my family in my son's residence at Silicon Valley, Milpitas, California, US.Our talk was about the auto driver who appeared in my Thirukkural series. Only on that day morning, I had mailed that kural, immediately there were many responses, many had expressed their immediate reactions.
In our talk the word ' Thirukkural ' had appeared three or four times, suddenly my grand son who was playing with toys, rushed to my table, took the Thirukkural book and came running to me lisping, " Thirukkural, Thirukkural",  he has just completed  two years, I was surprised, his broken words entered into my ears like honey.
My son did not study Tamil in schools, similarly my daughter - in -law, daughter, son-in-law and many of my relative children had not studied Tamil. I am writing explanation on Thirukkural in English for persons like them to understand kurals and pass on to the next generation. When  the next generation infant,  my grand son lisped the name Thirukkural, I felt my mission  will not become a waste.

It is my ambition that  the name Thirukural should  be taken to every one in the world..Every where people should use Thirukural like Shakespeare quotations.Like Plato's book " Republic", Chankya's " Arthashastra",
Machiavelli's " The Prince ", Thomas Hobbes " Leviathan " people must identify Thiruvalluvar's" Thirukkural "
With this  humble intention, I collect Email IDs and send kurals to known and unknown people, some of them forward it to many others, one of the  readers  had written me that he forwards to 49 friends.It speads like geometric progression .When I receive encouraging mails from unknowns,  I am humbled..

Thirukural 66 says, " only those who have not heard the lisping of their infants would say lute and flute are fine " ( lute = stringed musical instrument,  flute = pipe instrument,  lisping = imperfect infants broken early talk )

குழல் இனிது/ யாழ் இனிது/ என்ப தம் மக்கள்/
மழலைச் சொல்/ கேளாதவர்

Even though I had read this kural several times, when I heard my grand son lisping the word " Thirukkural ",
I experienced the joy revealed in the kural. Many parents and grand parents would have experienced it.

Kural 64 says, " The food which the children mash with their tender hand would taste more than a nectar "
                          அமிழ்தினும் ஆற்ற இனிதேதம் மக்கள்
                                  சிறுகை அளாவிய கூழ்.
Kural 65 says, " Infants physical touch is a pleasure to the body and listening to their words is a pleasure to the ears."
                                 மக்கள்மெய் தீண்டல் உடற்கின்பம் மற்றுஅவர்
                                 சொற்கேட்டல் இன்பம் செவிக்

Thirukkural is not for mere reading , it is for enjoying, when it is deeply read and understood , the pleasure multiples.That is the reason why Gandhiji had said,
 " I wanted to learn tamil , only to enable to study Valluvar's Thirukkural through his mother tongue itself".

If the Thirukkural is read in tamil the pleasure is boundless, the tamil words used  are so powerful and  meaningful.
It is very difficult to bring the same sense and the pleasure in the translations.




Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thirukkural 280 on Ascetic life

Thirukkural on Ascetic life

2000 years ago, during the period of Thiruvalluvar, three religions were dominant in India. They were Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism. all these religions had ascetics who had renounced the worldly pleasures. Thiruuvalluvar had given a revolutionary thought on ascetic life in the kural 280.

The doctrines of these three Indian religions differ.According to Jainism, there is no creator of the Universe, which simply means that Jainism does believe in Creator or God ( Atheism )
Buddhism doubts the existence of God ( Agnosticism )
Hinduism believes in God ( Theism ).

Even though Hinduism is said to be polytheistic ( belief in many gods ) in reality , it believes in one Supreme God BRAHMAN. Here BRAHMAN should not be confused with Brahma, Brahma , Vishnu, Shiva are the three forms of  Supreme BRAHMAN. Hinduism ultimately believes in only  one God ( monotheism )
All other gods worshiped in Hinduism are the different manifestations only one God  BRAHMAN.

During Thiruvalluvar Time the sages or sannyasies or hermits or munivars or ascetics wore saffron robes and lived with clean head shave or long hair.In those days long hair ( tress head ) or Shave head are the symbol of ascetic life.Hindu ascetics were called munivars or sannyasies, Jain ascetics- munis, Buddhist ascetics -monks.
While Hindu sannyasies and jain munis were wanderers, Buddhist monks lived in monasteries.
Thiruvalluvar says-
Ascetic life with shaven head or long hair is not required
if a person renounces the evils that the society condemns  ( kural 280 )

An individual calling himself divine and involving in all the evil acts which the society condemns is a fraud. Instead, an individual calling himself a family person but living a life rejecting all the evils or wrongs is a saint.
For him  saffron dress , shaven head or long hair, forest living, etc are not required .He could live a happy life with wife and children, do occupation of his choice and  earn within prescribed norms .It is the purity that makes a man a saint, not the external acts.

மழித்தலும் நீட்டலும் வேண்டா உலகம்

பழித்தது ஒழித்து விடின்

மழித்தலும் = shaven head or tonsured head
நீட்டலும் = long hair

In simple words-
The society has condemned certain acts, keep away from them.
You need not become an ascetic .

For students' reference

Atheism does not believe in the existence of God. Eg. Jainism
Agnosticism doubts the existence of God . Eg. Buddhism
Theism believes in God. Eg. Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, etc

Monotheism is belief in one God.
Polytheism is belief in many gods.

BRAHMAN is the ultimate reality in Hinduism. .Bhahma ( creator ) , Vishnu (protector ), Shiva ( destroyer)
are the three forms Supreme BRAHMAN .
One God existing in three forms is called , " doctrine of holy Trinity ".

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Parents and Children obligations. 

What is the responsibility of parents towards their children ? Thiruvalluvar says-

Parents should bring up their children in such a way that they sit in the front row in any assembly of wise ( kural 67 )

தந்தை மகற்கு ஆற்றும் நன்றி அவையத்து
முந்தி இருப்பச் செயல

To achieve  this,  the children should be given right education according to their aptitude. Along with the education, care should be taken to develop leadership qualities, communication skills , etc.

The quality of children's education depends up on the quantity of sacrifice that the parents do.There are parents in India who had become paupers after spending their entire savings for the higher medical education of their children.Some educated mothers remained home  for the sake of the all round development of their children sacrificing  their employments.

Apart from the formal education, children should be trained to live within the law of the land,earn within the ethical parameters, spend within the prescribed norms etc. Disciplined children with good education and proper socialization will be highly respected by the people and made to sit in the front row and honoured. Wherever they go, they will be recognised.

Another KURAL 68 says-

If the children's intelligence is more than that of parents

It will be a joy to all the living beings on the earth.

தம்மின்தம் மக்கள் அறிவுடைமை மாநிலத்து
மன்னுயிர்க் கெல்லாம் இனிது.( 68)

Thiruvalluvar says, it will be a joy to all the living beings on the earth, why ? Why , he uses the word joy to the entire living beings ? Increased intelligence from generation to generation will lead to many innovations which will bring joy to all the living beings.

Edition, Edward Jenner, Einstein and others who excelled their parents brought joy to the entire living beings through their inventions and theories. Intelligent children who become veterinary doctors relieve the sufferings of the sickly animals. Intelligent children who become eminent teachers develop in students a compassion towards other living beings. It is joy not only to the parents but also to all living beings on the earth. That is the reason why Thiruvalluvar says ' joy to all the living beings on the earth.'

What is the responsibility of children towards their  parents ? 

Children by the virtue of their behaviour, attitude, knowledge, nobility, obedience,duty towards parents, compassion towards poor and needy, broader human outlook, etc, should make others  to wonder or exclaim,

What penance the parents performed to beget these children.

If the parents hear this saying of others, it will be the greatest joy to them.

Any right thinking parent will be very happy if the children are educated higher than them, command more respect than them and earn more than them. In simple terms, if the children had excelled the parents in every thing, it is the greatest pleasure to them. If people watch the excelled children, they will wonder, what penance the parents had performed to beget these children. The essence of Kural 70 is-

The duty of the son ( children ) to father ( parents ) is to make others to wonder

" What penance the father ( parents ) had done to beget him "

மகன் தந்தைக்கு ஆற்றும் உதவி இவன் தந்தை
என் நோற்றான்கொல் எனும் சொல் (70)

மகன் தந்தைக்கு ஆற்றும் உதவி = The duty of the son to father.
இவன் தந்தை = This boy's  father        
என் நோற்றான்கொல் எனும் சொல் = what penance he  done to beget him.



Saturday, May 22, 2010

THIRUKURAL 972,973 : All are equal by birth

All are equal by Birth

In 2009 Obama became the first African  American   President of  USA. His full name is Barrack Hussein Obama. His father is a black Kenyan Muslim ( Mother an American.).

Just fifty years ago , Black Americans in US were not allowed to use common bath rooms, not  to sit in the front rows in public buses, not to drink water in common taps, not to sit along with WhiteAmericans  equally in hotels, not to get equal wages for equal labour , etc. But to-day  African American Obama is occupying the highest chair.

Black leader Martin Luther king Jr fought for the rights of the Black Americans and led the Civil Right Movement, Black Americans continuously fought for their freedom and finally got the equal rights.
In 1968, Luther King Jr was assassinated in Memphasis in the hotel where he stayed. He had gone to Memphasis, a city in the state of Tennessee, USA to support the black labourers who were fighting for the 'equal wage for equal labour'  .Now the hotel is made into Civil Right Museum.No one could come out without tears from the museum ( I visited on 31st of Dec 2008), the suffering of the Blacks were boundless .Blacks were brought to US from Africa as slaves by purchasing on their weight not by count.
They were treated worst than animals, they were kept tied when not on work.

There was worst form of racism in Africa, in 1893 ,Gandhi was thrown out of the train in South Africa by the Railway staff shouting, " Coolies and blacks are not allowed to travel in first class."
Only in 1994 by the sacrifice of twenty seven years imprisoned Nelson Mandela, the apartheid was over thrown in South Africa.( apartheid = policy of racial discrimination followed in South Africa )

There was gender discrimination every where in the world, women were not given equal rights.
Only in 1918,  the women of UK had the right to vote.
Only in 1920,  the  entire women of  US had the right to vote.

Thiruvalluvar lived 2000 years ago when  rigid caste was prevailing in India, slavery in Rome and Greece. In Roman Empire there were 4,00,000 slaves, in Greece according to historians there were slaves equal to citizens .There was  slavery in Russia which  was abolished in 1723 AD.

Racism was at worst during the regime of Adolf Hitler , he killed 6,00,000 innocent Jews in Germany. Hitler declared that the Germans belonged to pure Aryan race and Jews who were non  Aryans would become threat to Germans, so he ordered to kill the Jews living in Germany.It was the worst holocaust that the world witnessed. ( holocaust = state sponsored systematic mass killing)
The discrimination in some form or other was prevailing in the world  from time immemorial.                  

2000 years ago  Thiruvalluvar   in the kural 972 says,
Birth is the same for all, discrimination arises on the performance of  occupation.
பிறப்பொக்கும் எல்லா உயிர்க்கும் சிறப்பொவ்வா
செய்தொழில் வேற்றுமை யான்.
Occupation is determined not by birth but by efforts. Occupation is not ascribed but achieved.
Anybody can hold any occupation. That occupation decides the social  status, not the birth.

This kural is totally against racism, casteism, gender discrimination, class difference etc.                             The performance of Obama had elevated him to the top most position not his birth.
He is the living example for this kural.
In 1966, Indira Gandhi became the first woman PM of India over throwing the gender discrimination.
In 1994, Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa over throwing the apartheid.
In 1997, K.R. Narayan became the first dalit president of India over throwing caste discrimination

Also the Kural 973 says-
Those who are placed high in the rank ( hierarchy ) are not high, if they are not high in their thoughts and deeds and
Those who are placed low are not low, if they are not low in their thoughts and deeds.
In simple words " Whether high or low in the rank, it is  their character that determines it "

A manager with no character is not highly placed,
A scavenger with good character is not lowly placed.

In Tamil Kural 973

 மேல் இருந்தும் மேல் அல்லார்/ மேல் அல்லர்/ கீழ் இருந்தும்
 கீழ் அல்லார்/  கீழ் அல்லவர்

மேல் இருந்தும் மேல் அல்லார் = Highly placed but not high by thoughts.
மேல் அல்லர் = are not really high.
கீழ் இருந்தும் = Lowly placed
 கீழ் அல்லார் = but not low by thoughts
கீழ் அல்லவர் = are not really low.
According Thiruvalluvar all are equal by birth.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thirukural on Decision Making.

Thirukkural on Decision Making

Whether an  individual or a family or a firm or a country, decision making is a tough task. Some times crucial decision making becomes nerve rocking leading to mental trauma.

Weighing the pros and cons of a  decision is very important, several strategies are to  be adopted before arriving at a final decision. The risk involved in the final decision should be foreseen and analyzed.

If a problem is turned into an opportunity and properly tackled, it leads to victory.

Thiruvalluvar says that any decision should be made after a deep thinking. Later there should not   be any attempt to reconsider the decision that was made.The decision once finally made should be executed  immediately without delay

Today, decision making is made into a science with techniques like grid analysis, paired analysis etc. Through Brain storming techniques, all possible decisions in large scale is pooled,  The strength, weakness and opportunities are discussed and the best decision is selected.

Popular American writer Herbert Simon  on effective decision making  insists for gathering more information about the decision to be taken,  so that many alternatives could be developed.

In majority cases the ultimate decision maker is the leader, any fame or blame goes to him.
In case , any opinion remains divided among the top management, the Chief Executive has to decide.

When a good decision is made, it brings desired  results. In 1945, during the second world war, when Japan was aggressive and adamant , US President Harry Truman decided  to drop two atomic bombs on Japan, as a result the war came to an end. According to historians, if bombs were not dropped, the war would have continued and brought much more disaster to the world countries. Many say  the decision of US was inevitable.

In 2005, the US president George Bush made poor decision to send military to Iraq, it resulted in his unpopularity and defeat of his political party in the election.

Thiruvalluvar says in Kural 467:
"Any task should  be started after a deep thinking.
Reconsidering the decision later is a disgrace."

எண்ணித் துணிக கருமந் துணிந்தபின்
எண்ணுவ மென்ப திழுக்கு
.( 467)

Every decision has its own consequences, problems should be boldly faced and wisely solved, there should not  be any attempt to go back from the decision made   

In the Kural 671, Thiruvalluvar says:
" After a careful discussion, boldly a decision should be made.
Delay in executing that  decision is totally harmful."
சூழ்ச்சி முடிவு துணிவெய்தல் அத்துணிவு
தாழ்ச்சியுள் தங்குதல் தீது.( 671

தங்குதல் தீது = Delaying ( decision ) is bad,

At the same time,  if several activities are required for a solution,  In the Kural 672 ,Thiruvalluvar speaks of the ' concept of  priority ' which is followed in the modern management,

"Delay the actions which are not important,
Delay not the actions which are urgent."   ( Kural 672)

தூங்குக தூங்கிச் செயற்பால தூங்கற்க
தூங்காது செய்யும் வினை.( 672)

தூங்குக = delay, தூங்கற்க = delay not, 
தூங்காது செய்யும் வினை= actions which cannot be delayed (urgent).

In case of an unexpected flood, the construction of the roads can be delayed, but the relief works during a flood, earth quake, tsunami, etc should not be delayed . 
In hospital  emergency units, patients are treated on priority.  Patients with life threatening problems are attended immediately. 
During the  war time, government gives top priority to the military services.

While making a decision on  the list of activities, priority should given to  the  urgent works..
Gathering information,weighing the options, selecting the best, all these are time consuming but if the best decision is made, the result will be magnanimous.

Thiruvalluvar says, take a decision after a deep consideration, afterwards do not change the decision, immediately executive the decision.While executing, if there are  many actions, follow the   the concept of priority and take up the urgent task...


Monday, May 10, 2010

THIRUKURAL 50 : On Divine People

Thirukkural on Divine People

Before coming to US, in Feb 2010,  I underwent  all the  medical checkups at Bangalore. On 11th Feb , I went to consult my cardiologist , I went in an auto. The auto driver about thirty years old muslim boy deviated from the main road and took me to a narrow street and stopped in front of a old house  and told me to wait for a few minutes.

He did not return for quite a long time, I became restless, he came after nearly half an hour, pleaded guilty and regretted for the inconvience caused. While travelling,  he started speaking to me. 

" Sir, you should parden  me, my intention is not to make you wait for a long period, unfortunately I have to attend my wife who is polio affected and bedridden, she had dirted her clothes, I had to clean and wash, It took me time, exremely sorry sir."

"Since how long she is disabled ? "
"From childhood sir, I married her disabled "
"Is she related to you ? "
"No sir, willingly I married her, I had taken her to many hospitals but no use."
"Why not you try some artificial limbs and make her walk ? "
"Tried sir, it did not help, none of her relatives are helpful, my father is there. my mother died long back, my father,  at this age of 70 works 'here and there'  as a daily wager, maintains himself, helps me ' now and then' , goes in the morning and returns very late, perhaps he does not want to be an additional burden to me."
"Why did you marry a totally disabled lady ?"
"My father was the  instrumental to it. He told me that the human life is short, we are not going to take any thing when we die, we must  always do something good in this world, marry this girl, give her LIFE, be good to her through out your life."
" A good man ."
" I simply agreed with him and came forward to marry her, she has two brothers, no parents, during marriage time, which was very very simple, her brothers were  too good to me, I was next God  to them."
"Now are they not helpful ?  "
"Both are married and having children- daily wagers- they have their own problems, I do not blame them , world is like this, Some times they come in the name of seeing their sister but ask me some money, their condition is like  that . they cannot be blamed."
I told him, 
"For me you are a  great soul, you are a real human, God will definitely bless you"
"If God gives me good income every day, it is enough Sir, I can maintain my wife till my death " 
"Till your death or her death ? "
"My death, I can not tolerate her death Sir , She is a nice women , She had never blamed anybody in her life , not even she had  blamed God for her disability. Many people advise me to go for another marrage which  is allowed in our Muslim community but I will never . If I am disabled like her, will she go for another husband ? tell me Sir ?"

The auto reached the destination, the auto fare reading was  Rs 45/- I gave a 100/-  currency and simply walked  fast with a  HEAVY HEART., he was calling me to receive the change.

Thiruvalluvar  speaks of  ideal   people like  this  auto driver  in the  Kural  50. They will find place in heaven, they will be placed in God.

"A person who lives an ideal life in this world 
  Will be placed in God  dwelling  in  heaven". (Kural  50 )

In Tamil:

வையத்துள் வாழ்வாங்கு வாழ்பவன் வான்உறையும்
தெய்வத்துள் வைக்கப் படும். (50)

I read the true story, even in this Kaliyuka , we do see people like him, God bless him.
Nirmala Velu, Houston,  USA

This is very touching , I am sure we are blessed to even meet such people and talk to them. To me the auto guy's dad is like God.  
Lakshmi Nehru, CISCO , USA

Very much touched and motivated by the auto driver.What a great person he is. We are so fortunate to have a comfortable life and still complaining of something  or other. More over life is short, we have to do some yeoman service and help the needy. 
Shyam Medobos , IBM, USA

Very powerful  message via equally engaging a true story, your way of narrating stories both verbal and written is remarkable.We have been always blessed to have your company. Hope younger generation become good human beings when they grow. Your message will definitly be  propagated down stream  and practice them daily in whatever form possible. 
Sandeep, IBM,  Bangalore. 

This story really calls out aspects of humaneness and selflessness lost amidst the chaos and materialism of daily life.It means so much to praise for a moment and look through what you have and what many had deprived of .Let us atleast make an effort to reach out to the needy in our own  ways and help a few smiles every.Our children sure could carry this as a lesson of sharing their joy with those in need.
I am touched by the sacrifice  of this man.
Prem Vishwanathan , Satyam, USA       

People like the auto drivers are like ,"Angels" in our lives, God sends these people into our lives, so that we can appreciate the abundance blessings we have and learn to share our blessings with others.I guess that is why God sends these angels our way often.
Rosy P Devasagayam, Dallas, US


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

THIRUKURAL 691 : Attitude Towards Higher Authorities

 Thirukkural on  
Approach towards the higher authorities 

In modern days, in any  Management,  the  heirarchy is playing any important role.
Heirarchy is the system of executives or officials arranged one above another.
Those who are in the  above  level enjoy more powers and perks.
Heirarchy can typically be depicted as a  pyramid where the height represents the level's status.
What should be the approach of the lower status to the higher status ?
Thiruvalluvar beautifully explains it with  an example.

In a cold weather,  a person is sitting in front of a fire. If he goes too close, he will be hurt by overheat,  if he moves far away, he will not get the required warmth, he has to sit in an apt place. He should not go too far or too close.

This example is applicable to all those who work under higher authorities.
Those who are working close to them, should  not take the advantage of their closeness and go too nearer. If displeased, it will lead to undesirable results.  At the same time moving too far is also not advisable because,  that will end in being branded '  inefficient ' or ' incapable'.
In modern days, those who are very close to political elements, when  misunderstanding develops, face severe consequences.

Persons in king's service, should neither go too close nor too far,
they should remain like people who sit in an apt place  beside the fire for warmth ( Kural 691)

In England when King Henry II (1133 - 1189 ) was in power , Thomas Becket was the chief assistant in the management of public administration.
He was very close to the king. 
King made him the Archbishop of Canterbury ( Head of the Church of England ,1162 AD ). 
Becket went in bad books with the king , escaped to France,  returned after six years and stayed in the Cathedral ( Church )..

One day King was shouting in the palace, " Is there no one who will rid me of this turbulent priest ?"
The four knights standing around understood that the king wants the Bishop to be killed. 
They went in search of him shouting , " Where is the traitor Becket ? "
" Here I am, I am no traitor but a priest of God ". Becket said staying in Canterbury cathedral ( Church ).
No sooner than the Bishop finished speaking did the knights killed him (1170 AD ).
Thomas Becket murder remains one of the most famous stories associated with medieval England .
Because, Becket went very close to the King , he met with  that end.

2000 years ago Thiruvalluvar had clearly said not to go too close to the kings or higher authorities.

அகலாது அணுகாது தீக்காய்வார் போல்க
இகல்வேந்தர்ச் சேர்ந்து ஒழுகுவார் (691)
(Those who work under higher authorities should neither go too close nor too far, they should remain like people who sit in an apt place besides fire for warmth.)

மேல் அதிகாரிகளுடன் பழகுவோர்,  நெருங்காமலும், நீங்காமலும், குளிர்காய்வாற்போல் இருக்க வேண்டும்.
அகலாது = not going too far. 
அணுகாது = not moving too close.
தீக்காய்வார் = those who remain for warmth before fire. 
இகல்வேந்தர் = king/ CEO/ top managers ,etc
சேர்ந்து ஒழுகுவார் = serve with/under
Those who work with the top officials,  should never go too close or too far.

THIRUKURAL 583 : On Intelligence Agency

Intelligence Agency

Bombay is the symbol of wealth and progress of India. It was attacked by terrorists in some places on 26-Nov, 2008 killing 183 people and wounding several others. Terrorists from Pakistan entered through the sea route and carried the operation.

Intelligence Bureau (IB) of India failed to prevent it. Attack sent a strong message to India that the terrorists are capable of micro planning. It can not be forgotten that there should have been numerous failed attempts by the terrorists.

Thiruvalluvar says, a country should have a strong intelligence agency with an excellent spy net work to safe guard the interest of the country.In India RAWResearch and Analysis Wing ), IB (Intelligence Bureau) are doing good work after the Bombay attack. These agencies further require sophisticated modern equipments and increased man power.

The Pakistan's notorously known ISI (Inter Service Intelligence) is one of the strongest intelligence agencies with well trained spies spread all over the globe, it is said to have 10,000 spies in India. India has to compete with ISI and other countries strong intelligence agencies like Moosard of Isreal, CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) of USA, SIS (Secret Intelligence Service ) of UK etc.

Terrorists are changing their strategies, they may try to destroy the economy by circulating fake currencies, curb the future of the students by supplying free drugs, brain wash people by false propaganda etc. In the Kural 583 it is clearly said that a country should have a successful net work of spies to get effective intelligence, otherwise it would not succeed in any field. The enemy will root out the country in all the aspects. Bombay attack was a wake up call to India.

In the modern context it is very much applicable in the Marketing field, "market intelligence" is the process of acquiring informations to study the attitude and behavior of any market. Accordingly the long term strategies and short term  tactics are designed to challenge the competitors. Actions taken on market intelligence will help to attract more clients and ultimately lead to more sales.

See the essence of the kural 583:
" The Kings who do NOT gather effective intelligence using a strong net work of spies and ignore the spies reports will not succeed in any of their efforts".
Kings = Modern  Governments or Corporate companies
Spies = Spies of Govt.or field workers of Market intelligence

ஒற்றினான் ஒற்றிப் பொருள் தெரியா மன்னவன்
கொற்றம் கொளக் கிடந்தது இல் (583)