Sunday, July 3, 2011

Thirukkural : Accepting only the facts

 THIRUKKURAL on accepting  only the facts.

A letter from our reader.

I have been thinking about the 2012 phenomenon, till now nothing is clear.. i checked it on wikipedia and things are very complicated to understand... Can you explain what exactly is the issue about 2012? is the world really going to end? if yes then why are people trying so hard to make money?

M. Preethi, Bangalore

        This article was written in July 2012 and widely circulated.
       This one on the articles which took many days to complete.
       After completing, it  took many days to check and counter. 

Will the world end on 21st Dec 2012 ? Will the humanity  get wiped out ?

This is the biggest question circulating in the Internet, Youtube and many channels (channels are making a big  business ).
In fact many people ask me about this. With my knowledge in astronomy, cosmology and above all 50 years of teaching maths and physics, I rest my argument on this subject scientifically, logically and religiously.
Those who believe that the world will end, place their arguments in their favour. In fact the common people are threatened by their arguments. Thiruvalluvar says, " whatever is heard from whomsoever, we must grasp the truth in it ". 
எப் பொருள் யார் யார் வாய்க் கேட்பினும் அப் பொருள்
மெய்ப் பொருள் காண்பது அறிவு.( 423)
 Whatsoever heard from whomsoever , grasping  the truth  is  wisdom.

Let us try to find out the truth.

1) Will the end of the Mayan Calender bring the 'doomsday' ?

 Mayan calender which has the origin of south Mexico is a long count calendar having 5128 years, it ends on 21st Dec 2012. In my book " Calendar Reformation " I had discussed in length about Mayan Calendar. It is just a calendar like any other country's calendar,  meant only to hang on a wall. It has no divine power to predict the end of the world.

Hindu Calendar has a cycle of 60 years, first year being Prabhava and last  being Akshaya. After the last year, once again the first year  starts. Similarly Chinese calendar  also has  60 years cycle. In Mayan calender, there is no cycle, it is considered by ancient Mayans as the Cosmic clock that ends in zero on 21st Dec 2012, so,  according to them,  the world will end. It is absolutely wrong, end of a 'man made calendar' will not bring an  end to the God/Nature made world. After the 21st of Dec, the Mayan calendar will start again from the first year like any other calendar .

2) Is planet Nibiru heading towards the earth ?

It is said that a planet  like object Eris or Nibiru, said to be the god of ancient Sumerians is heading towards the earth. If it hits the earth, it is believed that it will bring total destruction to the world. There is no scientific support for the existence of this planet. From the year 1983,  NASA is trying to locate it but in vain. In the outer solar system there appears a black patch which is considered as a planet like Pluto, this is named as planet Nibiru by some people. It will never hit the earth. Initially the same people fixed 2003 for Nibiru's hit and frightened the world, now it is shifted to 21st Dec 2012. Again, it will be shifted to some other date.

3) Will the Polar shift take place ?

What is this polar shift ? it is nothing but , north pole becoming south pole and vise versa. This is believed to bring  a great disaster to the world. It is a fact that  7,40,000 years ago this reversal had happened but  when will the next reversal  happen nobody knows. There is no indication of any kind in the 'attitude and behaviour' of the earth's magnetic field for the immediate polar shift. It is not likely to happen in next thousands of years. If if it happens in future, it will be very, very gradual, nothing will happen to the earth.

4) Will the rare planetary alignment destroy the earth ?

It is said that  a rare alignment of the earth, the sun and the centre of the universe  will happen on 21st Dec.12 which will bring catastrophic effects to the earth. This is an astronomical phenomena that occurs once in 25,800 years. Everything in the universe is orbiting centring some other object.The moon orbits round the earth, earth orbits round the sun, the sun orbits round a supper massive black hole. Because of these orbits,  celestial objects aligning in a straight line is a common phenomena. These alignments will not bring any destruction , in the wide spread universe, the gravitational effect generated will be meagre, it will not wipe out the lives on the earth.There were events of many planets coming  in a straight line in the past. Nothing had happened to the earth except some tidal rises. 

5) Will the Nostradamus prediction become true ?

Nostradamus died in the year 1566. He had written some quatrains ( verses of 4 lines ) in the name of predictions. His predictions are of general nature,  mostly vague and ambiguous ( not even one is clear cut ) which can be interpreted in any way. Mostly they are misinterpreted according to the requirement.  Let me give an example for how badly the interpretations are given. In one of his so called predictions , he says Antichrist in the name of Mabus will be born.The interpreters combine  the names of Obama and Bush and coin the word maBus = Mabus. Like this many unmeaningful , unacceptable, unreasonable and absurd interpretations are given. 

6) Does it mean that all his predictions are wrong ?

Some of the predictions of Nostradamus had become popular because of  mere coincidences ( regarding the second world war, Hitler, Twin Tower fall and so on ) . The events of the globe are not predetermined to predict, global  events occur as per the existing environmental conditions.Considering  environmental conditions, weather, storms, cyclones, etc are scientifically predicted. It has its limitations, as on to-day , even  the occurring of  an earthquake cannot be predicted. Nobody predicted the latest massive destruction of Japan ( 2011 Tsunami ). Natural calamities and catastrophes are mostly unpredictable. Nostradamus predictions are  vague , something like the predictions of street astrologers, which can be understood by the listeners to their requirements. Nostradamus prediction for 1999 said, " from the sky will come a great king of terror. To bring back to life the great king of the Mongols." This great king of Mongols is considered as Genghis Khan. People thought that  the world will end in 1999 just before the year 2000 starts,  many were prayerfully prepared  to meet the final doomsday but nothing had happened. Nostradamus prediction utterly failed.
For 2012,  the prediction given by Nostradamus is, " In the sky will be seen a great fire dragging a trail of sparks ". The interpretation given for this prediction  is , " the mighty solar flares of the sun in the form of solar storm will reach the earth and destroy ". 

6) Will the mighty solar flares destroy the earth ?

The solar flares are  nothing  but the flames of the burning sun, they are formed often on the photosphere of the sun and looped. So far, the earth had not experienced any major adverse  effect of solar flares or flames. Formation of solar storms are the regular features of sun's photosphere ( surface ), this phenomena  never  harmed  the earth on a large scale. In fact the earth is continuously bombarded by solar particles ( solar storm of less intensity ). The size and timing of the solar storms are monitored by US Space Weather Prediction Centre. Any future mighty solar storm in the form of a Cosmic harricane will be detected by this Centre and proper precautions will  be taken to save the globe, this centre  is working 24/7.

7) Is the  formation of solar storm, a rare event ?

No, it is a very common affair, solar storms of less intensity is often striking the earth, nothing had happened , the largest ever recorded solar storm hit the earth on Sep.1859, it just disrupted the telegraph system ( there was no telephone system then  ). In the sky some aurora ( light display ) was seen. Scientists say a mighty solar storm is likely to hit the earth in between 2012 and 2014 , according to them,  utmost  it will disrupt the electrical grids and telephone net works. Officials of UK and USA are preparing to manufacture controlled power 'outages' which will protect the electricity grids from damages. ( outage = temporarily stopping the electricity )
In fact, in July 2000, there was peak in the solar activities, because of this, a strong solar storm hit the earth  which was  named 'Bastille Day Event ', as a result,  brilliant aurora was seen in Texas, there were some  electrical disruptions, some  setbacks in the satellite functioning, more than that nothing had happened. The expected solar peak may cause some disruptions but not a total disaster to the earth. 

8) What will happen on 21st Dec.2012 ?

According to NASA, nothing bad will happen to the world . Our mother earth is surviving for past 4.5 billions of years and it will survive for some more billions of years. Scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with  Dec, 21.  Let us believe NASA scientists  and be peaceful.

Future of the Earth.

Natural end of the earth.

Nothing unusual will happen on 21st Dec, But  should be remembered that  our earth is not free from an end. The Earth will have its natural end or unnatural end.  Even the universe will meet its end. The earth is a  planet in  the solar family. The solar ( sun ) is generating enormous heat  by thermonuclear fusion ( four hydrogen atoms combine and form one atom of helium, during this process a littlehydrogen is left out, it generates heat ) . If  the hydrogen present in the sun is exhausted , it will die without the fuel ( hydrogen ), then the earth and all other  planets of  the solar system will perish. But the sun has sufficient hydrogen to live for another 5 billion years ( 500 crores ). Nothing to worry.

Hit of meteors.

Earth will get destroyed,  if a mighty asteroid or meteor ( rock of 10 Kms width ) fall  from the sky. Catastrophists argue that the hit of a large meteor ended the era of dinosaurs.( 65 million years ago )

Often we see ,  burning  meteors falling from the sky ( even before they reach the earth,  become dust due to the friction with the atmosphere ). The biggest meteorite that is found on the earth is Hoba meteorite which is  in Namibia ( Africa) weighing 60,000 kg. These meteors are the rocks that escape from the asteroid belt which is in between the  planets Mars and Jupiter. This asteroids go round  the sun in an elliptical orbit. Because of the elliptical orbiting ( oval or  egg shape orbiting ) occasionally  they come nearer to the  earth. Because of the earth's gravitational pull, there are  chances for the  big rocks to escape from  the asteroid belt and fall on the earth. Then a devastating destruction to the earth will happen. Like dinosaurs extincted,  humanity will extinct. But , the modern advanced technology will not allow it  to happen. Astronomical calculations can  precisely predict the coming of the asteroid belt  nearer to the earth. ' The collision avoidance technique ' of modern technology will blast the approaching meteors into fragments and save the earth.

Unnatural death of the earth.

The unnatural end of the earth is something  like suicide ,  the man made nuclear weapons are the suicidal devices. If nuclear weapons are used to win a war, that will be the end of the world. A nuclear war will bring an unnatural death to the earth. To save the earth, the entire nuclear weapons should be removed from all the countries and destroyed. Everyone should realize the importance of defusing all the nuclear weapons  from the world. Care should be taken to see that the nuclear bombs do not go into the hands of terrorist outfits. 
Holes in the ozone belt that causes global warming will also lead to an unnatural death of the earth.  Ice caps  of polar regions will melt and bring a great destruction. 
The earth can be saved by making it green , reducing carbon emission, saying good bye to plastic bags, etc.

Religious point of view on the end of the world and universe.

In the religious point of view, according to Hinduism,  Brahma ( not Almighty Brahman ) has  death. His life span is 311.04 trillion human years . ( one trillion = 1000 billion, 1 billion = 100  crore, 1 followed by 12 zeros is one trillion). when Brahma dies, the earth is dissolved (living beings inanimated = dead ). when Brahma is born again after the same number  of years, the whole creation begin anew. 

The present Kali yuga lasts for  4, 32,000 years, at the end of Kali yuga, Lord Kalki ( Tenth avadar of Lord Vishnu ) will appear  on a horse with a sword in the hand and butcher the wicked.( there are 4,28,000 more years  for the end of the present  Kali yuga. )

According to Christian  doctrine (  2 Timothy 4 ; 1) the world will come to end when God comes for the final judgement. Wicked  will be punished. When  will this happen? according to the Bible, nobody knows except God. No human being can fix it's date and predict.

Islam also believes in the final judgement. ( Holy  Quran 25 :25,26,27). Angels will come down from the heaven to judge.

Arrival of Kalki Bhagavan ( Hinduism ),  Christ ( Christianity) , Angels ( Islam ) are the religious beliefs, the wonder is, all  the religions say that the earth will have its end. Nobody can predict and fix the date of earth's end, fixing 21st of Dec 2012 is a hoax.

Cosmological point view.
According to modern cosmology ( that which studies about the origin and nature of the universe ), the expansion of the universe will stop at one stage.The black energy present in the universe is acting as a pushing factor. If it weakens,  the great crunch will start, the universe will  go back to its original position which is an  endless , dimensionless and boundless point  called  'point of singularity'. It will take billions of years. Again it will explode and expand forming a new universe, it will be a perpetual cosmic oscillation. This  modern cosmic oscillation theory agrees with Hindu theory of Brahma's birth and death cycle. When Brahma is alive the world exists, when he dies, the world extincts. Sri Guru Granth Sahib of Sikhism says , " the world comes and goes ( page 583 of Granth  ) this also agrees with cosmic oscillation theory.

In simple words, the Cosmic Oscillation is again and again the birth and death of the universe. Hinduism and  Sikhism agree to this. Christianity and Islam talk about the final judgement, during which wicked will be punished by God but do not say anything about the fate of the earth  after it, may be the end.

Both Science and religions say that  the universe will have an end. It will not be definitely on 21st Dec. 2012. 

Thiruvalluvar advises us to use our reasoning power and analyse every matter of any nature and find the truth in it. In this Kural , he insists, to evaluate everything before accepting .

எப் பொருள் எத் தன்மைத்து ஆயினும் அப் பொருள்
மெய்ப்பொருள் காண்பது அறிவு ( 355 )

Whatever may be the nature of the matter, 
evaluating it before accepting  is the  wisdom. ( 355 )
எந்தப் பொருள் எத்தன்மையாய்த் தோன்றினாலும், அதன் உண்மையான இயல்பை உணர்வதே அறியுடமையாகும்.


REMA SURESH. Bangalore.


 Many of us were discussing this topic recently, there were people in San Francisco holding banner on May 21. This is very good article you wrote, most of our questions are answered here.

Also when we connect this to Kurral, it makes sense and sounds well. Over there internet there are tons of information but we should always be careful while we read, identifying, validating the source and grasping the truth in the information is very important.

I like the way you mentioned it with religious and also cosmological point of view.

Thank you for this article.
- Muthu. USA


I enjoyed reading the  five arguments (Mayan calendar, Existance of Nibiru, Polar Shift ,Rare alignment of the earth and Nostradamus predictions). I agree with your point of view and only hope that "Unnatural death of the earth"  never happen.
Above all, the best part of this email is the unique style in which you unfold the contents. I like the way in which Thiruvalluvar's advice is tweaked into the entire subject.
The earth has a definite end, I only wish if there is some mechanism which can help preserve the great works of our all time greats such as Thiruvalluvar and the others.
Aloysius,   Phillipines


Good work. Eventhough, I was of your own opinion, I could not find explanations. But, U analised it with detailed proofs. 

Thank U.

 TGB ( T.G. Balasubbramanian, Chennai )


It is a very good article. All the aspects are explained in a clear, simple way... Thank you so much for your response..
- Preethi, Bangalore

Dear Uncle,

Very fantastic article. I felt that I attended  Ur lecture in a  big crowd.
Each line makes me to feel that U are talking in front of me.
Very lively and lovely article.
U revealed so much information which I am not aware of.
When  Kaushik kept telling about this world ending at 2012,
I could not get any details about why he was saying.
Now  it is clear why he kept saying that.
Everything  has its end in life. Let's hope to happen in mother nature
way rather than unnatural way for our planet.

Radha. USA


I read your original and revised versions on the end of the world. 
All I can say is that you display more detailed knowledge of the issue 
and I doubt if I have anything of value to add.

Pattabhi Sankaran  

Excellent references and your analysis are so clear.
No one other then you could have taken so much of pains 
to educate us and clear our doubts.

We shall trust in our Mother Earth. As I always used tell, 
we are fathered by SUN and Mothered by our Beloved
 Mother Earth.

G.Dhakshana Murthy

      Article by M.S.Vincent, sent for the month of July 2011.  
