The marvels of Genetic Engineering
In modern days, genetic engineering is doing wonders in many fields. Very recently in US, one blood cancer Patient was cured in ten days by using Genetic engineering techniques.
In the blood, T cells fight against the diseases.They make up a part of immune system in the body. But these T cells should be strong enough to kill all the disease creating cells or cancerous cells. The T cells from a blood cancer patient were separated and reprogrammed to fight the cancer cells vigourously.Then allowed to mix with the blood. This was done by using genetic engineering techniques. The patient was totally cured within a week.
What is blood cancer?
In the blood, there are red corpuscles and white corpuscles. If the white corpuscles are produced in large numbers in bone marrow, then the red corpuscles which carry oxygen to the body cells become very less , it is blood cancer. In the blood of the blood cancer patients, the white corpuscles will be more than the red corpuscles. Blood cancer is known medically as leukemia ( Leuk = white, aemia = blood, leukemia means whitening of the blood. Leucoderma= whitening of the skin )
What is genetic engineering?
The technique of altering original genes makeup of the body is genetic engineering. Human cells have 23 pairs of chromosomes. On the chromosomes, the genes are located.They carry the hereditary diseases like BP, Diabetes, etc.
Can these hereditary diseases be cured by genetic modifications.
Researches are going on, to some extent it is successful. If the disease causing genes are identified, these genes are removed from the body, this is called,' Knockout treatment ' .( knocking out the troublesome genes)
In what way these techniques are useful in agricultural field ?
By doing genetic modification, the plants are made strong enough to fight the common diseases. The insects do not eat away the leaves of genetically modified plant's leaves.Big sizes vegetables are the result of genetic modification. Even animal genes are added with plant genes.
What are the uses of genetic modification ?
Using this technique, for the use of diabetic patients, genetically modified human insulin is manufactured, novelty items such as blue roses, glowing fishes, etc are created. Cows are genetically modified to give milk with more protein.
Can human beings be genetically modified for some bigger challenge ?
It is prohibited, Human genetic modification is not allowed by the world countries. But there is a rumour that the USA had developed super soldiers by using this technique.
Who are these super soldiers ?
DARPA ( Defence Advanced Research Project Agency ) of USA is working on this project.These soldiers who are genetically modified as trans humans ( either male or female).They can live without food for many days, carry heavy weight, run faster than Olympic Athletes,Their cut off of limbs can grow by themselves,. They can remain without sleep for many days, etc.In simply words , they are metabolically dominant beings.
Are they really living in US military secret training camps ?
We are not sure, but developing these super soldiers is very easy for USA.These kinds of secrets will come out only during the war times.Only during second war, other countries came to know about the atom bombs possessed by USA.
Is the genetic engineering technique is similar to Stem cell therapy ?
No, both are totally different. In stem cell therapy , for a blood cancer patient, Stem cells obtained from a healthy bone marrow is transplanted in the diseased bone marrow. This helps for the normal production of cells in the diseased bone marrow. In many modern hospitals , stem cell treatments are used for various diseases.For damaged retina, in certain cases, transplantation of a stem cell helps to regenerate the retina functioning.At present , the Stem cell treatment or therapy is in the developing stage. In future, it will be very helpful to cure many diseases.
===============1 April 2013, US
posted by M.S Vincent at
5:58 AM
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