Friday, March 22, 2013
Photo of the Baby Universe
To-day's News Paper ( 22 nd March 2013, USA ) published that a super computer placed in Oakland had taken a picture of the universe existed 13.8 billion years ago .
Will it be possible to take a picture of an object existed billions of years ago ( not present to-day)
It is very much possible.
Just spend a few minutes and read this short article and know the concept behind it.
In a camera , if the photo of an object is to be taken, the light rays should start from the object.
If the object is kept in a bright place and camera is kept in a dark place, a photo can be taken,
Because ,from the object, the light rays start and reach the lens of the camera.
If the object is kept in dark and the camera is kept in a bright light, a photo cannot be taken because, the light rays do not start from the object.
Remember, we cannot take a photo by placing the camera in a bright light and object in no light.
Object should be in a bright light.
If we take a picture of the sun , the rays of the sun should fall on the lens of the camera.
The sun is far away from the earth. The light rays from the sun takes 8 minutes to reach the earth.
The photo taken of the sun is that of the sun existed 8 minutes before. ( accurate 8.3 minutes)
We cannot take an instant photo of the sun.
If the sun explodes, we will see it, after 8 minutes.
If the sun cools down suddenly to zero degree , we will feel it, only after 8 minutes.
In short, we are 8 minutes away from the sun for everything.
Our nearest galaxy is Andromeda. Light rays take 2.5 million years to reach the earth from it.
If the photo of it is taken, it is the photo of Andrmeda existed 2.5 million ( 25,00,000 ) years ago.
Big Bang explosion took place nearly 15 billion years ago.
After the explosion, the universe was gradually formed. Early universe is called infant universe.
This universe is expanding. 13.8 billion years ago, its size was small, compared to to-day's universe.
The rays of light starting from the infant or Baby universe are travelling at the speed of 3,00,000 Km/sec.
If these rays are captured in a powerful camera, the photo of the infant universe can be obtained.
It is what the Okland placed camera had done. The result is the photo of our baby universe.
Oakland camera captured the light rays coming from that baby universe.
The is a wonder that , the light rays made up of photons have no death.
Once they start, can continuously travel. ( they are travelling from ages to ages in this universe ) .
Albert Einstein had declared in his Special Theory of Relativity in 1905 that
The speed of the light rays is the universal limit and nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.
Till to-day , it is not disproved.
( To Oakland, it is one hour travel from where we are staying.USA )
See the photo of the baby universe whose age was about 3,75,000 years when taken by WMAP in 2001.
( This photo is not the photo taken by the Oakland placed camera.)
Hubble telescope camera had taken many baby universe photos, all are available in You Tube.
To-day, the age of the Universe is 13,00,00,00,000 to 15,00,00,00,000 years
Please click to see the baby universe taken by WMAP in 2001
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Vernal Equinox
Please read some astronomy explained in simple words.
On 20th March, the day time
and night time are equal
and night time are equal
20th March. Astronomically this day is known as " Vernal Equinox "
Which means equal day and night.( equi +nox = equal + night )
The sun crosses the celestial equator and
Moves in the celestial sphere from South to North.
From the next day , for the people of northern hemisphere ( India),
Day time will be increasing and night time will be decreasing.
For the people of southern hemisphere ( Australia)
Night time will be increasing and day time will be decreasing.
On 22st September, the Sun will move from northern hemisphere to southern .
It is called Autumnal equinox. On that day also, the Day and night will be equal.
From the next day,
The day time will be gradually increasing and the night time will be decreasing for them.
On Vernal equinox and Autumn equinox , the day and night will be almost the same.
The longest day will be on June Solstice, which on 21 June 2013.
The longest night will be on December Solstice, which on 21st December 2013.
Year 2013 has some peculiar aspects.
In the month of March, there are 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays.
Apart from this, , there are 5 eclipses in this year.
2 solar ( sun ) and 3 lunar (moon) eclipses.
April 25th Lunar
May 10th Solar
May 25th Lunar
Oct 18th Lunar
Nov 3rd Solar
( in 2011, 4 solar and 2 lunar = 6
in 2012 , 2 solar and 2 lunar = 4
in 2013 , 2 solar and 3 lunar = 5
in 2014 , 2 solar and 2 lunar = 4
in 2015, 2 solar and 2 lunar = 4 )
What is an eclipse ?
If the the moon hides the Sun , it is solar.
If the shadow of the earth falls on the moon , it is lunar.
What is the maximum number of eclipses in a year ?
7 eclipses.
4 solar and 3 lunar = 7
5 solar and 2 lunar = 7
Which years do the 7 eclipses ocurred ?
1935 ( 5 solar and 2 lunar = 7 )
1982 ( 4 solar and 3 lunar = 7 )
When do the next 7 eclipses in a year will occur ?
2038 ( 4 solar and 3 lunar = 7 )
What is the minimum number of eclipse in a year ?
2 eclipses , all solar.
Can there be a year without eclipses ?
No, there cannot be a year without eclipses.
On what days do the eclipses occur ?
Always Solar eclipse will occur on a New Moon day.
Always Lunar eclipse will occur on a Full Moon day.
What is Saros cycle ?
According to this, an eclipse will be repeated on the same day
After 6585.3213 days or roughly 18 years 11 days.
The wonder is, this fact was found out by ancient Babylonian astronomers
Several centuries before Christ.
To know more, please go to my blog. click
Thursday, March 14, 2013
The New Pope :
Francis of Argentina
After reading my articles on Pope's election, many of my relatives, students and esteemed readers had asked some questions. I had consolidated the questions and answered below.
Q : Where did the 115 Cardinals stay during the conclave ?
A : A little away from the Sistine Chapel where the secret election was conducted, there is Santa Martha Hotel.
Cardinals were taken from the chapel to this hotel using mini buses. The staff of the hotel had taken the oath of secrecy. The cardinals had no external contact. In this hotel , the regular foods were served to the cardinals. Here they stayed during nights. Majority are aged and suffering from age related health problems, they need proper rest and medical care. Doctors and nurses who had taken oath of secrecy were at their service.
Q: Who looks after the administrative work of the Pope ?
Curia, It is the bueaucratic body of the Vatican state or Church government. The entire International Relation and internal administrations are looked after by them. Some of the staff of Curia had involved in some financial frauds.This had brought a bad name to the Church. Former Pope was ashamed of this, he failed to bring these staff under his control.They exploited his age and health. They had grown beyond control. They had taken the power from appointing Bishops to taking action on abusive priests. They had destroyed the harmony of the Church. The new pope has to tackle them.
Q :Who looks after the security of pope ?
A :Papal Swiss Guards, from 1506 AD, the Swiss Guards take care of the security of the pope.They are well trained young soldiers below thirty years of age and bachelors. Usually they are between 200 and 250 in number.They are Swiss citizens trained in Swiss and deputed by Swiss government.
Q Who leaked the private documents of the former pope ?
A: His own butler, whom he trusted, betrayed him like Judas and leaked his private papers to the journalists in 2012, This has made the former pope embarrassed. This is also one of the reasons for his resignation. the butler had agreed that he had stolen the documents. He was sentenced to 18 months of imprisonment in Oct 2012. On Dec 22, former pope pardoned him. The leaked papers damaged the image of the Church. Journalists made use of this opportunity to become heroes. One reporter Nuzzi became a celebrity of Italy by publishing a book," His Holiness,The secret papers of pope Benedict XVI."
Q: What are the sex scandals ?
A: There are 4,10,593 priest in the world. They come under the control of Bishops who are 5,002 in number. Total catholics are 120 crores ( 1.2 billion ). Among the more than 4 lakhs priest, a few had involved in sex scam. This has totally tarnished the image of the Catholic Church. Former pope openly accepted the sex scam and deeply regretted for it.
The shameful sex scam of a few clergy had made the former pope sleepless. The world wide catholics bowed their heads down and remain helpless.
Q :What will be the future of RC Church ?
A : The Cardinals have elected the new pope from Argentina. Nobody expected him to become the pope. When the new pope named ' Francis ' appeared first time before the people who where waiting to get his first blessing, his face was full of tension. He very well knows the fractured image of the Church. His responsibilty is boundless.
He has to put the Church in the right track. It is a himalyan task. God had chosen him through the cardinals. The people were waiting in lakhs to get his first blessings,but his concluding words were," I WANT YOU TO BLESS ME."
No time in the history, a pope had asked people to bless him. He has asked people's blessing in the form of co-operation with prayers to clean the tainted R. C .Church. Using his holiness and charisma, new pope should make the Church to resurrect.
Q : What are challenges of the new pope ?
A : He has to find solution for many problems faced by the Church. It is not so easy , it has to be done without affecting the basic doctrines of the Church. Major changes can be done only by convening the Vatican Council.
1) Abortion - now the Church is against abortion.
2) Same sex wedding- now the Church is against it on the grounds that it is against God's plan.
3) Priesthood for women- now in the RC Church there are no women priests. Nuns should not be mistaken as priests, they are not ordained as priests. They cannot celebrate a holy mass, only ordained priests can celebrate a mass. Nuns are members of some congregations meant for doing some service to the society.They are not priests. When pope's election was in process , two topless girls came to the front of the St.Peter's Church, Rome and demonstrated to accord priesthood to the women. Through out the world some catholic womenorganisations are demanding for it.
4) Marriage for priests- now marriage for priests is not allowed in the Catholic Church. Protestant pastors are allowed.Because of the sex scams , some of the catholics feel, marriage to the priest can be allowed. Some feel, if marriage is allowed , financial corruption will start and priest will amass Church funds for their generation.
5 ) Divorce -now Church does not permit divorce. Church considers the marriage as sacred. It is very, very difficult to get divorce.Only on extraordinary cases after proper verification divorce is given. Suppose, a boy married a girl and after some years comes to know that she is his own sister ( very rare case), divorce will be given immediately. Suppose a boy suffering from an incurable disease before wedding and marries a girl without disclosing it, after proper verification of the previous medical reports , divorce will be given. Otherwise , no divorce is given in the Catholic Church.
6) Restoring discipline in the Curia Curia is the administrative body of Vatican. The new pope from Argentina, who lived with poor, travelled in trams, walked miles to meet people will certainly know the means to clean the rotten Curia. If Curia is cured many problems will be solved.
7) Shortage of catholic priests World wide there is a big shortage for catholic priests. New pope should come forward to start new seminaries ( theology colleges ) to produce more priests. Priests who involve in immoral activity should immediately be dismissed. For this kind of stringent action, there should be more priests.
================================M S Vincent , California USA , 13th March 2013.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Evolution of man.
I am confused series
Evolution of man
Who created man ?
Bible says, 'God ' .
Islam says ' Allah '.
Hinduism say ' Brahma '.
Science says,
' Man is the result of evolution not creation '.
When the planet earth developed certain favourable conditions,
The first single celled living creature was evolved.
It was a starting, it happened nearly three billion years ago.
Single celled amoeba started its cell division, resulting in multicellular organisms.
Fish to frog , then to reptiles, birds , mammal to man.
It is a long evolution of nearly three billion years. ( 1 billion =100 crore )
Water living fish developed two chambers in the heart.
It crawled to land as a frog and developed three chambers.
Frogs developed into reptiles with the same three chambers.
Reptiles developed into birds with four chambers in the heart .
Increase in the chambers in the heart is itself a proof for evolution.
Mammals and man have four chambers .
Apes ( tailless monkeys ) are mammals.
Man evolved from an ape which is not surviving now.
In 1974, in Ethiopia, a skeleton was discovered and named ' Lucy ' .
This 3.2 million years old skeleton is the remains of human ancestor , walked using two legs.
In 1857 in Neanderthal Valley ( Germany ) , the fossils of ' Neanderthal man ' was discovered,
He was the near relative of modern man, he lived 2 million years ago.
5.5 million years ago Australopithecus, a small brained ' intermediate' lived.( stage between ape and human )
2 million years ago homohabilus , the first known human evolved. ( he used tools for hunting )
1.8 million years ago homo Erectus evolved ( used fire for cooking )
1 million years ago Homo Sapien ( modern man) evolved.
( all are revealed by Paleontology study, Paleontology = study of fossils )
The various systems like blood circulation, digestive, excretory , etc are the result of evolution.
Nervous system is a big net work, man has the best nervous system making him superior being.
Bible says ,God created man by using soil .
Rationalists ask, " how can a created man would have well developed systems?"
Charles Darwin said that man is a product of evolution not a product of creation.
Anything against the doctrines of religions was immediately rejected by the religious heads.
In the medieval period, science came out with many theories.
Scientists who came out with new thoughts and facts were religiously and socially boycotted.
But scientists made steady progress without fear and contributed for the growth of science.
The branches of science like, Genetic engineering, Atomic Physics, Paleontology
Had come to the aid of Darwin's theory, anthropology gives a helping hand.
Religions are getting refined , like Galileo's theory, Darwin's theory will also get recognition of the religious heads in future.
How long the facts will remain buried in the cemetery of faith ?
I am confused.
I am confused.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Who is powerful in India , President or PM
Who is powerful in India ?
President or PM
In India, we have Parliamentary system of Democracy.
President is the Head of the State ( here State means Country, ie India)
PM is the Head of the Government.( here Government means Indian Government)
The state ( Country ) and the Government are different. The State is permanent. Government is temporary.
Who is powerful ? President or PM ?
President is the first citizen of the country.
PM is the first servant of the people ( Ministry , root word diakoneo ( Gk ) meaning servant )
President commands great respect than PM.
In any function where both attend, PM arrives before President arrives.
PM stands up when President enters.
While going, President goes first followed by PM.
Salary of President is Rs 1.5 lakhs per month + perks 22.5 crore annually + he lives in Rashtrapati Bhavan,
the largest Presidential Palace in the world.
Salary of PM is 1.35 lakhs per month + perks
PM goes to President Office to meet the President.
President does not visit PM office.
All these are the protocols ( protocol = code of conduct followed )
In reality , who is powerful in administration ?
Ans : It is PM who is very powerful, not the President.
President has only nominal powers ( nominal = name sake), he acts on the advise of the PM and cabinet
PM has all real powers.( real executive) and PM is the chief advisor to the President.
President does not rule the country.
PM rules the country with the help of the cabinet.
President can address the Nation in the TV, draft should be approved by the Government.
PM can address the Nation without getting approval from president.
In the joint Parliamentary session, the President addresses both the Houses of the Parliament.
This address is prepared by the Government, President simply reads it .
In case of mercy petitions addressed to the President, the decison is taken by the Home Department.
If the Home Department says reject, he will reject. In reality this power lies with the Home department.
In case, the President rule is imposed in any state in India, the central government rules the state in the name of the President through the Governor.In true sense, it is the rule of the central government .
Constitution says, the President is the Commander- in-Chief of the Indian Armed Forces.
This means, he is the Chief commander of Army, Navy and Air Force.
In reality , it is also a nominal post. The Armed Forces of India come directly under the control of the Defence
Ministry. The Defence Minister is the Head of the Armed Forces. The President is the decorative head.
The president has right to know the happings in the Goverment. As a customary PM meets him once in a month and informs the happening in the Government. It is not a consultation , it is only keeping the President informed.
PM need not consult the President on the matters of Government policy.
The President has power to make variety of appointment. He signs in the appointment orders.
Names are decided by the Goverment. For eg, Governors, Attorney General, Chief Election Comminioner,Etc.
The President enjoys the greatest honour of signing the treaties made with the other countries.
In reality, these treaties are framed by the external ministry on the advice of the PM.
The President accords the awards of various nature in a ceremonial way.
The names for these Presidential awardees are finalised by the Government .
All the executive powers vested on President by the constitution are exercised by the Government.
The President can return a bill unsigned to the Government. If the same bill with change or without change sent to the President for second time, the President has no power to refuse it. He has to simply sign it and make it an act.
The constitutionality of an act is decided by the Supreme Court , not by the President.
Indian President pretty well knows his limitation and functions accordingly. Any conflict between the President and PM will lead to political and constitutional crisis.They will not allow it to develop.
There developed a conflict between PM Rajvi Gandhi and President Jail Singh in 1987 and damaged the images of both. It had become a lesson for others..
President is elected through electoral colleges by all MPs and MLAs.
PM is elected by the majority party in the Loksabha.
President cannot be removed easily, only through passing the impeachment in the parliament, he can be removed.
PM can be removed by bringing a no confidence motion passed in the Loksabha with a simple majority..
In case, in a general election, no party gets a majority and no party is prepared to form the central Government, President cannot rule India. He has no power to rule. In that situation, he will call all the party leaders and discuss with them to form a National Goverment with the representatives of all the parties and allow them to rule the country till the next election.
At no cost the President can rule the country.
The constitution has vested all the executive powers on the President ( article 53( 1) , Again Constitution says he can exercise these powers in accordance with the advice of the PM and Council of ministers ( article 74(1) ). So President becomes a nominal or ceremonial executive and PM with the Council of ministers become the real executive.
See the articles in the Constitution-
The executive powers of the Union shall be vested in the President and shall be exercised either directly or through subordinate officers, in accordance with the Constitution.
— Article 53(1), Constitution of India
There shall be a Council of Ministers with the Prime Minister at the head to aid and advise the President who shall, in the exercise of his functions, act in accordance with such advice.— Article 74(1), Constitution of India.Acorrding the above article 74 (1) of the constitution , the President has to act in accordance with the advise of the Council of Ministers and PM. He cannot do anything of his own.
In short, everything is done in the name of President and in reality nothing is done by him. That is the reason why he criticised as a rubber stamp.
In certain circumstances , the President's post gains importance. After the general election, he has the resposibility to identify the leader of Majority party in the Lokh Sabha and instal him as the PM. In case of no single party had attained the majority, President has to identify the party that enjoys the majority support and ask to form the government.
He plays an important role during the post election period.
PM Jawaharlal Nehru explained the position of the President in these words,
"We have not given our President any real power but we have made his position one of great authority and dignity."
Clearly he says, our President does not enjoy any real power. which means all the powers enjoyed by him are nominal or ceremonial.
Our Constitutuion had placed President in high dignity by saying , he is our first citizen and Constitutional head.
=============================================== March 2013, USA