Tuesday, October 30, 2012


There is absolutely no scientific proof for the existence of souls.
It is purely a belief.  ( Belief in soul is Animism, Anima is soul in Latin ) 
Aristotle believed that the souls  exist in all animals, plants and people.
In modern days , people believe that only human beings possess souls.

Religions agree that the body is mortal and soul is immortal.
When the death occurs,  the soul departs from the body, 
Birth is the beginning of  death and death is the end of the birth.
What happens to the soul after the death ?

Hinduism teaches that departed souls have to undergo rebirth. 
In any birth if  the life is righteous ( according to dharma )
The  chain of rebirth breaks, the soul attains moksha.
Moksha ( Heaven ) is Jeevatma going in union with Paramatma ( God ).

Hinduism which teaches about the incarnation of souls,
Teaches  even in animals and plants , the  souls exist.
There are some people among Hindus who believe,
Even non- living things like rivers and mountains have souls.

Christianity  and Islam  teach that  the departed souls should wait for the last judgment. 
On the day of the ' last judgement ', all the dead will rise with body.
There will be a trial for trillions and trillions of souls of dead and living.
Righteous will be sent to the  heaven and wicked to the hell.

When will be this final judgement  take place?
' No one knows except God  the Father- says Bible. 
( No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in the heaven, 
nor the son,  only the Father. Mathews .24:36)
Departed souls starting  from Adam and Eve ,
All are awaiting for the last judgement . 

Some people say a different theory about soul.
For them,  the soul is the 'common sense' in the living body.
This common sense is the result of neurological evolution.
The common sense differentiates man from other animals.

The common  sense is the sixth sense in  man.
It is the ability to make good judgement.
It is the power to make sensible decision.
It is the innovative ability to discover and invent.

The common sense is found  in every man.
When man dies it perishes, it  has no extended life .
According to them, common sense is called SOUL.
Common sense of man is mortal like physical body.

Hinduism, Buddhism , Sikhism and Jainism  teach that the soul  must undergo rebirth.
Christianity , Islam  and  Bahai Faith teach  that the soul  must face  the last judgement.
Rationalists say, the common sense  is the soul , it has no extended life, it perishes  with death.
Which is correct ?  I am confused.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Incarnation ( Rebirth )

(I am confused Series)
Incarnation ( Rebirth )

There are several religions,
Every religion has its own doctrines or dogmas.
Hinduism has no founder, it has evolved with the life of people.
It preaches  ' art of living ' . It divides life into four stages.

Brahmacharya for learning ( till  the age of 25 ).
Grihastha for married household life ( 25 to 49).
Vanaprastha for detachment  from worldly responsibilities ( 50 to 75 ).
Sanyasa for total renunciation of worldly pleasures ( after 75 ).

Hinduism prescribes four goals of life,
Dharma  demands righteousness in every deed.
Artha is the wealth which should be earned in accordance with dharma.
Kama is the pleasure in life, Moksha is the liberation from the rebirth.

Hinduism  strongly believes in rebirth ( theory of karma ).
Christianity and Islam reject rebirth theory.
On rebirth,  Hinduism stands one side and other two in opposite side. 
' Which theory  is correct ?  is there rebirth ? '

Many persons have claimed to record memories of their past lives,
But Parapsychology departments of various universities,
Till to-day have not come out with a firm answer.
Inspite of several researches., they say, ' it is a  Psychological stuff '.

But in Tibetan tradition, Dalai Lamas are Gurus.
The present Dalai Lama ( Year 2011) is the 14th  Guru  ( Name :Tenzin Gyatso )
These Dalai Lamas are  believed to  reborn ( incarnation ) after their death.
The reborn Dalai Lama is identified by the High Dalai Lama. 
( Lama is any Tibetan Buddhist monk, Dalai Lama is the  Tibet's spiritual leader, holding the highest spiritual position )

They have several methods, sometimes the High Dalai Lama experiences in  a dream,
Sometimes, when the dead Lama is burnt, the direction of the smoke indicates. 
Once a boy believed to be  the incarnation of a dead Lama was identified, 
In front of him a mixture of artifacts of dead Lama and common artifacts were placed.

The boy chose the belongings of dead Lama.
I has seen it in TV, this  boy less than three years of age selected correctly.
All the incarnations of previous Dalai Lamas are identified in this way.
It is a six hundred year of Tibetan tradition, to believe it or not ?

Departments of Parapsychology which is a branch of regular Psychology,
Present in leading universities of the world
Conduct a number of researches on paranormal phenomena including incarnation,
But  unable to prove scientifically  the rebirth theory.

Islam , Christianity and  Bahai faith reject the rebirth theory.
Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism  accept rebirth theory.
The Tibetan tradition proves that a  dead Lama is reborn. 
Which is correct ? I am confused.


Monday, October 8, 2012

The Energy in the Universe is constant

" I am confused series"

The  Energy in the Universe is Constant.

The energy content in our universe is constant.
It can not be increased or decreased.
The ' Law of conservation of energy ' says,
" Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed."

From where did this energy come ?
It was released during the time of creation ( Big bang ).
Since then, the universe is expanding and energy is spreading.
Energy remains " immutable from eternity to eternity " (Von Helmholtz).
Immutable = not subjected to any change.

One form of energy can be converted into another form.
A fan at home rotates , how ?  By using electrical  power.
Electrical power is obtained from rotating turbines.
Turbines ( wheels ) are rotated by using water falls ( Kinetic energy )

Kinetic energy of falling water is converted into mechanical energy  by turbines.
Mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy by  generators.
Electrical energy is converted into heat energy in electric heaters,
Light energy in  bulbs,  mechanical energy  in  fans, etc,.

Einstein gave the formula for the matter and energy relationship.
Any matter can be converted into energy and energy into matter.
( E = mc square, E = Energy, m = mass,  v = velocity of light which is 3,00,000 Kms/sec )
Matter and energy are one and the same in different form.
Hindu tradition says matter is Shiva and energy is Shakti and they are one and the same.

A motor car runs using petroleum energy. From where did the petrol get energy ?
Plants prepare their food  through photosynthesis by using Solar energy.
Plants store their excess energy within them. Animals eat plants and get energy.
Animals store their excess  energy in the form of fat in their bodies. 

Long time ago, the plants and animals in bulk were buried in the soil by some natural calamities.
The stored energy in them , in course of time converted into petroleum products in the soil.
The ultimate source of petroleum is the solar energy. In the sun nuclear fusion is carried on.
The chain reaction of the nuclear fusion generates enormous heat energy in the sun.

The bulb in a hand torch emits light because of the battery kept in it.
A battery converts Chemical energy into electrical , which is converted into light energy.
No energy can be created by any method, only can be converted from one form to other.
This is the first law of Thermodynamics in Physics.

A wood is burning because of the solar energy stored in it  during  the photosynthesis .
A human body is active because of the food consumed which possessed energy.
Nothing in the universe is static, all are moving, the  universe is full of energy.
The wonder is that this energy cannot be increased or decreased. It is finite.

Why does man with all his innovative techniques , unable to create energy or destroy energy?
Why did God  made it constant ? From where did God obtain this enormous energy?
Where did He store  this energy before  the creation ?
Does He Himself , the Eternal Energy present in the universe ? I am confused.