Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.
Even Neutrinos cannot travel faster than light. 
Neutrino is a subatomic particle. 

Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity ( 1905) 
   demands that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.
The speed of light is 3 lakhs kms per sec. ( 3,00,000  kms/sec )
This is the highest speed in our universe ( cosmic speed limit)
This speed is constant (It cannot be increased or decreased). 
The accurate speed  of light is 2,99,792 kms/sec or 1,86,282 miles/sec.
What it means ?
Car A is moving with a speed of 100 kms.
Car B is moving with a speed of 80 kms behind it.
From car B , if the speed of car A is measured, it will be 100-80 = 20 kms.
This logic cannot be applied for the  speed of light.

A Light ray is moving with its speed 3 lakhs kms/sec
Behind it, a vehicle is moving with a speed of 2 lakhs kms/sec
If the speed of light is measured from the vehicle,
it should be 3 - 2 = 1 lakh kms
But ,  the speed of light remains 3 lakhs  without  any change.
It is a  great wonder, the speed of light is always 3 lakhs km/sec.
Neither less nor more.
Nothing in this world can exceed the speed of light.

Why nothing could exceed that limit ?
When Speed increases, the mass of an object also increases,
If the speed of an object goes nearer to the speed of the light, 
   the mass of the object increases and becomes infinite ( limitless).
Because of its infinite mass, 
It cannot move further and exceed the speed of light.
The total energy in the universe is finite ( fixed or limited )

Can you explain it ?
It is an another wonder,
The amount of  energy  released during the Big bang explosion, remains unchanged.
One form of energy can be converted into another form.
Energy cannot be created. Energy cannot be destroyed.
The amount of energy in the universe is fixed.
This fixed energy cannot push  an object which has  gained unfixed  mass.
( Limited energy of the whole universe cannot push the unlimited mass of an object.)
So nothing can travel faster than light. Kinetic

Why a moving object gains mass?
 Kinetic energy is added to a moving object. That makes it to gain mass.

Some scientists say Neutrino particles travel faster than light, is it true ?
First the OPERA researchers  had said  it .
Everybody thought that the Einstein theory is disproved.
After some days the CERN scientists  conducted four experiments and declared,
 " the neutrino particles cannot travel faster than light."

Light travels at the speed of 3 Lakhs  km/sec, 
why its mass do not become infinite ?

Light particles ( photons ) do not have mass. 
When there is no mass, this question does not arise.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Super Soldiers will be ready soon.

Super Soldiers will be ready soon.

They can operate beyond normal human abilities and limits.
They can live without food and sleep for many days.
They cannot be killed easily  by diseases .
They can  regrow limbs crippled by bombs.

Where are they now ?
Soon they will come to war fields. 
They are products of technology and biology.

In which country they are developed ?
In 1958 when USSR launched the spaceship Sputnik, US was shocked.
US established DARPA.
DARPA = Defence Advanced Research Project Agency.
The Defence researchers are working on this project .
By gene manipulation,  they are trying to develop Super Soldiers.

What is Gene manipulation ?
It  is altering the genes in a  cell and producing  better breeding.
It is commonly done in agriculture.
Nowadays genetically modified crops, vegetables and fruits are  commonly grown.
Genetic engineering helps for the gene manipulation.
Gene manipulation technology is used to develop Super Soldiers.

How these Soldiers will be useful in defence?

They will  be seven feet tall and very strong .
They can run like Olymbic sprinters.
They can carry heavy weapons easily to distant places.
They can fight without food and sleep for many days.
Their destroyed or severed organs will be regrown.

Will it be possible ?

DARPA which  is called Pentagon's " Mad Scientists Wing" says that
Its ambitious project is certainly possible soon.
Every year 3 billion dollars are spent on this project.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hats off to the NASA Scientists

Hats off to the Scientists of NASA

200 scientists of NASA, jumping, hugging and rejoicing.
It was a great scene to see them in ecstasy.
It was a great achievement of the NASA scientists.
"Curiosity" was the largest spacecraft sent to another planet.
It travelled 35 million miles in 9 months and reached the red  planet Mars.
It landed exactly where it was planned to land.

In 1957 USSR sent the first spacecraft Sputnik 1 and triggered the era of Space age.
55 years of tremendous growth had made it  to possible to send a robot to Mars.
Curiosity was launched on Nov.26,  2011
Landed on Mars on August 6,  2012.
It is a robotic space probe mission to Mars named  Mars Science Laboratory .
It will study  
1) Whether traces water is found in the planet Mars.
2) Whether Mars has favourable condition for microbial life.
3) Whether Martian life existed.
4) It will identify a right location for astronauts to land in future.

It is an amusing achievement of scientists.
We are living in the era of advanced space technology.
Scientists are the real miracle makers.
The last seven minutes of landing made the NASA scientists nerve racking.
It was a terror which turned into over whelming joy.
Hats off to the NASA scientists and others who co-ordinated with them.
The Good news is 36% of NASA employees are Indians.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Attitude and behaviour of zero are peculiar


What is a zero ?.
It is ' nothing ', Sunya or Poojyam.
What is nothing ?
Absolute emptiness is called  zero or sunya.

There are 5 mangoes, if all the 5 mangoes are removed ,
Left out is nothing. Mathematically it is zero.
Who invented zero?
Great Indian mathematicians.

From India , the usage of zero went to Arabian countries,
Arabian countries had sea and land trade relationship with India.
These traders carried the mathematical  usage of zero to these countries.
The present numerical 1,2,3, -----  are said to have Arabic root.

Romans did not have the knowledge of zero.
Their numerals have no zero.
I, II, II, IV, V, VI,VII,VIII, IX , X,   there is no zero in ten ( X ).
Year 2011 is written as MMXI,  1508 = MDVIII,  1880 = MDCCCLXXX

Zero is  peculiar in nature. By multiplying by zero, any equation can be proved.
Any number multiplied by zero becomes zero. 1999 X 0 = 0,     
Zero divided by any number becomes zero, 0/5 = 0 . 0/100 =0 , 0/2011 =0
Zero is nothing , this nothing when divided by another nothing becomes indeterminate,
( Indeterminate means, that which can not be determined , previously it was called infinity  )

 What about, any number divided by zero, that is 6/0 = ?
Zero behaves very indifferently here. This division can not be done.
Any number divided by zero is an impossible operation.
There is no answer, it is undefined. 6/0 = no answer to this.

I have seen, some teachers  teaching   the students that 6/0 = 0
Or any number divided by zero is zero. Eg. 10/0=0, 15/0 =0
It is wrong, it is nothing but misguiding the students.
Students should be taught that it can not be done. 

Brahmagupta (598-668 AD) has said , "a number remains unchanged when divided by zero ", 
Which means 6/0 = 6 ( Wrong answer )
Bhaskara (1114-1185 AD )  has said a number divided by zero is infinity, which means 6/0 = infinity. ( wrong answer )
Zero has confused both of them in those days. 

Like God , Zero  also cannot be attributed to generalised qualities.
Any number to the power of zero is one, Zero to the power any number is zero.
Factorial zero is one. Factorial one is also one, 
any number divided by zero =no answer or undefined.
Zero multiflied by zero becomes zero. Zero divided by zero become indeterminate. How ?
The attitude and behaviour of zero are peculiar.