Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.
Even Neutrinos cannot travel faster than light.
Neutrino is a subatomic particle.
Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity ( 1905)
demands that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.
The speed of light is 3 lakhs kms per sec. ( 3,00,000 kms/sec )
This is the highest speed in our universe ( cosmic speed limit)
This speed is constant (It cannot be increased or decreased).
The accurate speed of light is 2,99,792 kms/sec or 1,86,282 miles/sec.
What it means ?
Car A is moving with a speed of 100 kms.
Car B is moving with a speed of 80 kms behind it.
From car B , if the speed of car A is measured, it will be 100-80 = 20 kms.
This logic cannot be applied for the speed of light.
A Light ray is moving with its speed 3 lakhs kms/sec
Behind it, a vehicle is moving with a speed of 2 lakhs kms/sec
If the speed of light is measured from the vehicle,
it should be 3 - 2 = 1 lakh kms
But , the speed of light remains 3 lakhs without any change.
It is a great wonder, the speed of light is always 3 lakhs km/sec.
Neither less nor more.
Nothing in this world can exceed the speed of light.
Why nothing could exceed that limit ?
When Speed increases, the mass of an object also increases,
If the speed of an object goes nearer to the speed of the light,
the mass of the object increases and becomes infinite ( limitless).
Because of its infinite mass,
It cannot move further and exceed the speed of light.
The total energy in the universe is finite ( fixed or limited )
Can you explain it ?
It is an another wonder,
The amount of energy released during the Big bang explosion, remains unchanged.
One form of energy can be converted into another form.
Energy cannot be created. Energy cannot be destroyed.
The amount of energy in the universe is fixed.
This fixed energy cannot push an object which has gained unfixed mass.
( Limited energy of the whole universe cannot push the unlimited mass of an object.)
So nothing can travel faster than light. Kinetic
Why a moving object gains mass?
Kinetic energy is added to a moving object. That makes it to gain mass.
Some scientists say Neutrino particles travel faster than light, is it true ?
First the OPERA researchers had said it .
Everybody thought that the Einstein theory is disproved.
After some days the CERN scientists conducted four experiments and declared,
" the neutrino particles cannot travel faster than light."
Light travels at the speed of 3 Lakhs km/sec,
why its mass do not become infinite ?
Light particles ( photons ) do not have mass.
When there is no mass, this question does not arise.