( I studied Astronomy as one of my subjects in my Mathematics degree in late fifties, which had helped me to " check and counter check " some of the calendarical and astronomical calculations connected with Easter.)
13) Why not, the Easter be made an immovable feast like Christmas ? There was a proposal for it. In 1963 , the Second Vatican Council agreed to make Easter an immovable festival provided a consensus is reached among the Christians Churches. The second Sunday in April has been suggested. It remains a proposal till to-day ( 2010)
Some of the immovable feasts are :
( Ascension = Jesus rising to Heaven. Assumption = Mother Mary taken up into the Heaven.)
14) Why does the Easter said to be a very important festival ?
Because, it brought Salvation to the humanity, in Catholic Ecclesiastical Calendar ( Church events Calendar ) many feasts are fixed keeping Easter as the centre.
9th Sunday before Easter is Septuagesima
46 days before Easter is " Ash Wednesday "
39 days after Easter, on the 40th day is " The feast of Ascension "
49 days after Easter, on the 50th day is " Pentecost "
60 days after Easter is " Corpus Christi " Etc.
15) When do Jews celebrate Easter ?
Jews are not Christians. They do not celebrate Easter, they Celebrate Passover or Pascha or Paska ever since they fled from Egypt under the guidance and leadership of Moses ( Approximately in 1300 BC ). all the religions of the west found their roots in Judaism.
For Jews, Christ is not the expected Messiah.
They are still expecting the Messiah to come. Their religion is Judaism. Founder of Judaism is unknown, some believe Abraham founded it.
It was the first ancient religion that believed in one God ( monotheism)
17) What is the name given for belief in many gods ?
Polytheism believes in many gods. ( Hinduism is said to be Polytheistic )
Atheism believes in no creator or God ( Jainism ),
Agnosticism doubts the existence of God ( Buddhism ).
Christianity ( except Jehovah Witness) believes in the " doctrine of holy trinity " which advocates that God exists in three forms. ( the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit ).
Note: 1) Theos = God ( Greek ), Theism = belief in the existence of God. ( Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism , Sikhism , etc )
.2) Atheos = without God ( Greek ), Atheism = no belief in the existence of creator God ) ( Jainism ) 3) Agnostic = One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is God or not. ( Buddhism )
18) Why does the Easter associated with eggs ?
Originally spring festival was celebrated as a festival of fertility. Eggs are symbol of fertility. Later on Spring festival was named "Easter ".
Church considers egg as the symbol of resurrection. In the year 1610 AD, Pope Paul V proclaimed the following payer.
" Bless, O Lord! we beseech thee, this thy creature of eggs, that it may become a wholesome sustenance to thy faithful servants,
eating it in thankfulness to thee on account of the resurrection of the Lord."
In US , children go for egg hunt during Easter season, the artificial eggs made of sugar candy are hidden in a specified area.
When the hunt is over, prizes are given for the largest egg collector.
( In 2009 , I had an opportunity to observe an egg hunting by children in California, The forest itself was artificially created in a very big hall. Trees, small caves, heaps of soil , plant bushes were made of synthetic materials. While hunting the eggs, the joy of the children was boundless, cannot be explained in words .)
19) Why Easter is associated with rabbit ?
According to the legend, bunny or rabbit brings coloured artificial candy eggs , sometimes toys to the children. It is something similar to Chritmas Santa. A rabbit is a Pagan emblem associated with fertility. Spring is the period of fertility. Egg and rabbits are symbol of fertility. Easter is celebrated in Spring. Spring usually starts from 20th or 21st of March and end on 19 th or 20th of June.
Easter will fall on any day from 22nd March to 25 April on any Sunday during the spring.
20) What is Easter fire ?
During the Easter Vigil held after the sunset on the Holy Saturday, the Easter fire is lit. It is used to light Pascal candle.
In many Catholic families as a tradition, this fire from the church is taken home to light the Easter candle and cooking fire wood as a symbol of " new life".
Miracle in Jerusalem.
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre also called as Basilica of the holy Sepulchre or the Church of resurrection by Eastern Christians.
In this Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem ( believed to be built at the site of Jesus burial ) experiences a miracle on every Holy Saturday. The candles kept in the church miraculously lit in presence of the Church patriarch.The pilgrims claim that the holy fire does not hurt their body for first 30 minutes of its miraculous ignition. ( Sepulchre or Sepulcher means, ' place of burial ' )
About Christmas.
21) When was Jesus Christ born ?
In fact there is no authentic record for it. During the first 300 years, Christ's birthday was celebrated in different dates.
In the year 349 AD Pope Jullius I made 25th Dec as Christ's birthday. Christ's birth year was made 1 AD.( Anno Domini = in the year of Lord ) .
Logically between 1 AD and 1 BC, there should be Zero year, Zero year was left out unknowingly causing confusion in astronomical calculations
Eg : +3, +2,+1, 0, -1,-2,-3
( In astronomical calculations , zero year can not be ignored, it is taken into account by using a formula. )
According to Catholic Encyclopedia the birth year of Jesus is 6 BC or 5 BC or 4 BC
22) Is the terms, " BC and AD " are used in all the countries ?
It was used in English language by all. But in modern days, some of the academicians are using the abbreviations BCE ( Before Common Era ) and CE ( Common Era or Christ Era or Current Era ). BC is referred as BCE, AD is referred as CE
23) Is 25th Dec an accepted date of Christ's birthday to all the denominations ?
Eastern and Russian Orthodox Churches celebrate Christmas on 7th January. They follow Julian Calendar. ( We follow Gregorian Calender )
Most of the Orthodox Churches adopt Julian calendar created during the reign of Julius Caesar in 45 BC.
Gregorian Calendar which is commonly used now was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in the year in 1582 AD.
( Julius Caesar introduced a calendar in 45 BC, It is called Julian Calendar. It has some errors. In 1582 AD Pope Gregory introduced new calendar eradicating the errors present in the Julian calendar, it is called Julian Calendar.Orthodox Churches follow the Julian Calendar despite of the errors.
To-day, the world counties official Calendar is Gregorian calendar.)
24) What do the historians say about Christ's birth year ?
They fix it at 4 BC or before it. According to the Bible, after king Herod the great died, an angel appeared in the dream of Joseph in Egypt and said , " Get up, take the child and mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to take the child's life are dead ." (Mathew 2-19)
According to historians , King Herod the great died in 4 BC. So historians say that Christ should have been born in 4 BC or before .( Catholic Church determines the birth of Jesus between 6 BC and 4 BC ) .
25) Who had made 25th December as the birthday of Christ (Christmas day) ?
In the early days, the festival of Jesus's birthday was celebrated in different dates. In the year 349 AD, it was fixed as 25th Dec by Pope Julius I.
In 1582 AD Pope Gregory introduced the modern Calendar and made Christmas to continue on 25th Dec.
26) Have all the countries agreed 25th Dec. as Christ's birthday ?
Countries like Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Meldovia etc celebrate Christmas on 7th Jan.
Countries like Armenia ( not America ) celebrate on 6th Jan.
27) At what age was Jesus crucified ?
According to the Bible , Jesus was born during the tenure of king Herod the great who ruled from 37 BC to 4 BC .
Jesus was born during the 'Census of Rome' which is believed to be taken place in 6 BC.
According to historians, Jesus was born between 6 BC and 4 BC.
Jesus was sentenced to crucifixion by Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate, who was in power between 26 AD and 36 AD.
Considering all these factors, the historians conclude -
Life of Jesus: 33 to 36 years.
Ministry : 1 to 3 years
( all are approximate calculations only.)
28) On which day did Jesus die ?
He died when the Sabbath was about to begin. Hence it should be a Friday.
According Catholic Encyclopedia :
" Jesus died on Friday, the fifteenth day of Nisan."
Nissan = A month in Jewish calendar
29 ) What is Advent period ?
Latin word Advenio or Adventus means coming, it is the period of preparation for the coming of Christmas.
The period is four weeks. The Advent Sunday falls from 27th November to 3rd December.
It is the period of expectation to celebrate the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas.
The theme of Advent is to prepare for the second coming of Christ ( for the final judgement ),
30) What is Christmas Eve ?
The evening preceding the Christmas day is called the Christmas Eve ( Eve=Evening )
The 24th December evening is the busiest evening of the year in the Christian families.
Traditionally, the Christmas mass is celebrated at mid night to remember Jesus's birth at night ( Luke 2: 6-8)
Hectic preparation will go on in the evening to welcome Christmas.
In the western countries, gifts are exchanged during the Christmas Eve.
In many families, just before they go to the church. the gifts are opened in the Christmas Eve night,
31 ) Why do the next day of the Christmas is called Boxing day ?
In many common wealth countries, 26th December is called Boxing day. It is St Stephen's feast day.
It is a Public holiday in these countries. There are many theories for the origin of the name ' Boxing day '.
For the Christmas mass, parishioners used to bring gift boxes for the poor and place in the Church.
These boxes are opened next day for distribution.
Those employed in farms used to get gift boxes from the employers on the next day of Christmas.
Servants employed in houses of rich people used to receive gift boxes on the next day.
Rich people avoided giving gifts before the Christmas to ensure the servants service on the Christmas day.
In rich people's houses, the servants used to pack in the boxes the extra materials used for Christmas
This boxing day has nothing to do with St.Stephen's feast day.( 26th December )
32) Who is Santa Claus ?
A legendary character known as Saint Nicholas. He is generally depicted as a white bearded man wearing red coat. Western tradition informs the children that Santa would bring Christmas gifts to them on the Christmas Eve night. In fact, the gifts are bought and kept hidden by parents.
33) What is the Significance of Christmas tree ?
There are number of speculative theories on its origin.It acquired popularity from the 18th century. In the beginning the Christmas trees were decorated with edibles such as apples, nuts, candies,etc.
From the beginning of the 20th century , it has become common in the houses, departmental stores, public places ,etc.
( Every year, the world's largest decorated Christmas Tree is put in National Enquirer, Lantana, Florida, US.)
34) What is the history of Christmas Cake ?
Taken from Website :
Christmas cake is an English tradition that began as plum porridge. People ate the porridge on Christmas Eve, using it to line their stomachs after a day of fasting. Soon dried fruit, spices and honey were added to the porridge mixture, and eventually it turned into Christmas pudding.
In the 16th century, oatmeal was removed from the original recipe and butter, wheat flour and eggs were added. These ingredients helped to hold the mixture together and in what resulted in a boiled plum cake. Richer families who had ovens began making fruit cakes with marzipan, an almond sugar paste, for Easter. For Christmas, they made a similar cake using seasonal dried fruist and spices. The spices represented the exotic eastern spices brought by the Wise Men. This cake became known as "Christmas cake."
( The world's longest Christmas cake was made in 2011 in China. 1068 m long. 80 cooks worked day and night and prepared it. The cake was sliced and sold for public and the return was donated to the Children's Cancer Hospital.)
35) When did the tradition of keeping cribs come into existence?
In 1220 AD, St.Francis of Assisi visited Bethlehem, he was impressed by the way, the Christmas was celebrated .
He obtained the permission from Pope to recreate the scene in his native town in Italy.
He created the first nativity scene in 1223 AD.
He died in 1226 AD, after his death, the custom of keeping crib spread world wide.
A crib is created keeping in mind, the information revealed in the Gospels.
The humble site of baby Jesus birth, shepherds visit , the baby lying in a trough used to place cattle feeds,
Joseph and Mary guarding the baby, star guiding the three wise men, etc
( I have seen in US, a Nativity Scene created by using ice blocks in Nashville, in the state of Tannessee.
Each statue was of life size.The Special room was so chill, everyone was compelled to wear a special protective dress.
Inspite of that, no one could remain inside for more than five minutes.)
36) What is Epiphany ?
Epiphany or Feast of Manifestation was traditionally celebrated on the 6th of January.
Now shifted to Sunday following the New year.
It is the feast of manifestation ( revelation ) of God to mankind in human form.
On this day,
Western Christians commemorate the visitation of three wise men ( Bibilical Magi ) to baby Jesus,.
Also commemorate the Baptism of Jesus in river Jordan and the miracle at Cana.
Eastern countries which follow Julian Calendar celebrate Epiphany on 19th January.
37) What does the catholic tradition say about Epiphany?
Epiphany is predominantly the feast of three kings for the common people.
Tamil catholic tradition celebrates Epiphany like " Pongal ".
Pongal is the traditional harvest festival of the Tamil community.
Among the Tamil community, a special sweet pongal is prepared by using
rice, milk, sugar and ghee and placed on the altar during the prayer and shared.
With Epiphany, the Christmas festive mood of the Catholics come to an end.
38? Who are these threes kings ?
They are the three wise men who came from the east to see the baby Jesus born in the stable.
King James version. Mathew 2 :1
" Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king,
behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,"
Number of wise men or kings came from east is not mentioned.
The word men is used which is plural, so more than one would have come. It is believed to be three.
Except Mathew, all others , Luke, Mark and John are silent on this event.
Wise men brought gifts like gold, frankincense and myrrh.
These three wise men or kings are referred as Magi.
Their names are said to be Gaspar, Melchior, Balthasar, however there is no Bibilical evidence for this.
Bible says that they had come from east, more than that, whatsoever said about them is without Biblical root.
39) What is Julian Calendar ?
It is a calendar introduced by emperor Julius Caesar in 46 BC ( Roman Calendar 708 AUC ) .
According to this calendar, the earth takes 365.25 days to orbit the sun.
Once in 4 years, one day becomes excess ( 0.25 X 4 =1 day )
This one day excess is added in the month of February once in 4 years and called a Leap year.
Most of the Orthodox Churches adopt Julian calendar for the festivals fixations.
40) What is Gregorian Calendar ?
It is a calendar introduced by Pope Gregory in 1582 AD.
The errors in the Julian Calendar is rectified in this Calendar
According to this calendar, the earth takes 365.2425 days to orbit the Sun.
This period is less than the Julian calendar period of one year, which is 365.25 days
The difference is 365.25 - 365.2425=0.0075 days.
This difference of 0.0075 days becomes 3 days excess in 400 years. 0.0075X 400 =3 days
In Gregorian calendar, these 3 days are removed in every 400 years.
To be a leap year, any year should be exactly divisible by 4.
In case of century years ( years ending with two zero), the years should be exactly divisible by 400 not by 4.
Years 2100, 2200, 2300 are not exactly divisible by 400, so these are not leap years.
Year 2400 is exactly divisible by 400, so it is a leap year.
( To know more about this, please read my book, "The Gregorian Calendar.")