All the information given are checked and counter checked through many sources including, " many Christian Encyclopaedia "
1) Why is the Resurrection day called Easter day ?
St.. Bedes (672 -735 AD ) who was an English scholar and historian believed that the word Easter probably derived from " Eastre " or "Eostre" the name of Scandivian goddess of spring whose festival is celebrated in the spring season. When Christianity Spread, the old Festival names were shifted to Christian feasts.
2) Why Easter is not celebrated in a fixed date like Christmas ?
Christian Churches celebrate immovable ( dates fixed ) feasts like Christmas and movable feasts (dates unfixed ) like Easter. Easter is associated with Paska or Passover of Jews. Easter is fixed as follows.
After March 21st of every year, the full Moon day is noted, the Sunday following the full moon is Easter.
Take the calendar of the year 2011, note March 21st, after this date, the Full Moon falls on Sunday the 17th April , the following Sunday is the Easter ( 24th April 2011 )
March 21st is called " Vernal Equinox ", in astronomy it is an important day for astronomical calculations. The Sun enters on that day into the Zodiac sign " First point of Aries." On the day of Vernal Equinox the duration of "Day" and "Night" are equal. ( Vernal = Spring, Equinox = Equal night.)
3) Why the beginning of lent days is called Ash Wednesday ?
Lent days in total are 46 days, if Sundays are excluded, it is 40 days.These forty days represent the forty day and night Jesus spent in desert, where he was tempted by Satan. Because of the practice of placing ash on the forehead in the churches , it is called Ash Wednesday. The ash reminds "you are dust, to dust you shall go."
Old Saxon word Lent means " Spring ", because these days are always observed in Spring , it is called Lent days.
Also it is said that the word Lent is an old English word meaning "Lengthen" , because in Spring the days begin to get longer.
4) Why the previous day of Ash Wednesday is called " Fat Tuesday ? "
The lent days are days of " fasting and Praying", people in the western countries like to enjoy the day before the fasting period, they eat fatty foods, drink and celebrate with carnivals.The joyful celebration would suddenly end at Tuesday mid night 12, when Ash Wednesday starts. Because of fatty foods consumed , it is called Fatty Tuesday.
5) Why Thursday before Good Friday is called " Maundy Thursday ?"
Maundy means command ( Mandatum) in Latin, This refers to the commandment of Christ given to his disciples during the Last Supper to " love one another" . Christ washed the feet of the disciples as an act of humility, which is done symbolically by catholic priests on Maundy Thursday. On this day the agony of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane is remembered.
John 13:34 , " A new command I give, love one another as I have loved you " this is the commandment ( Mandatum or Mandate ) given by Christ to His disciples. From Mandatum derived Maundy.
In Latin Mandatum Novum means " New Commandment " ( commonly Maundy Thursday is called the Holy Thursday )
On this day four events are commemorated 1) Foot washing by Christ 2) The institution of Holy Eucharistic at Last Supper 3) Agony of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane 4) Betrayal of Christ by Judas.
6) Why the day of Crucifixion is called Good Friday ?
In English, "God be with you " had gradually became "good bye"
Similarly it is said " God Friday " had become " Good Friday "
But some argue that " Good Friday " is correct because it brought the greatest good, " Salvation " to the humanity.
7) Why palm Sunday is observed ?
Palm Sunday is observed one week before Easter. Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus riding on a donkey into Jerusalem to celebrate passover . The crowd greeted him waving palm branches.
During Passover feast, Israelites used to share brittle flat bread called unleavened bread ( Matza ) which is made from flour mixed with water, (without fermentation.) Christ shared Matza with His disciples during the Last Supper.
8) What is Passover festival ?
It is Paska or Pascha festival which the Jews celebrate commemorating the fleeing of them from Egypt in 1300 BC ( approximately ).
Jesus being a Jew, went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover ( Paska ) and had the " Last Supper " with His disciples.
This Passover festival starts in Spring on the full Moon day after 21st of March (Vernal Equinox) , Jesus was Crucified during this Passover celebration and subsequently resurrected on the third day, hence the Easter is fixed after 21st March after the Full Moon.
In the King James version of Bible ( 1611 AD ), the word Pascha is translated as " Passover. "
In 1818 AD the Easter was on 22nd March , next it will be in the year 2285 on 22nd March. The 22nd March is the earliest date for Easter. There can not be Easter before it.
The Easter Sunday will fall on any Sunday starting from 22nd March to 25 April.
9) Can you give future Easter dates ?
2010 Ash Wed Feb 17 Easter April 4
2011 Mar 9 April 24
2012 Feb 22 April 8
2013 Feb 13 March 31
2014 Mar 5 April 20
2015 Feb 18 April 5
2016 Feb 10 March 27
2017 Mar 1 April 16
2018 Feb 14 April 1
2019 Mar 6 April 21
2020 Feb 26 April 12
2025 Mar 5 April 20
2030 Mar 6 April 21
Note : from Ash Wednesday to Easter count 46 days.
There can not be Easter before 22nd March and after 25th April in any year. " March and April " is spring season. Easter is also called Spring Festival. In 1943, the Easter fell on 25th April, again in 2038,
10 ) When was this formula determined ?
In the beginning, the festival of resurrection was celebrated in different dates by different denominations of Christianity.
In 325 AD about 300 Bishops of various Christian Churches assembled at Nicaea ( now in Turkey ) to formulate uniform Christian doctrine. This council was convened by Roman emperor Constantine. In this council of Nicaea, it was decided to celebrate Easter on a common day by all the churches.
The Council decided , " the feast of resurrection should be celebrated on the first Sunday after ( not on ) the first full moon after March 21". ( Ref : Book : Religious Holidays and Calendars. Page 78)
11) It is said that the Easter is after the 21st of March on the following Sunday after the Full Moon . If the Full Moon falls on 21st March itself and it happens to be a Sunday, when will be the Easter ?
Easter will never be on 21st March, it will be only after it, in the above case, the Easter will be celebrated on the following Sunday the 28th March. In the the Council of Nicaea , it is clearly declared that the feast of Resurrection should be celebrated after the 21st March.
( I checked the entire Ecclesiastical Calendar, in no year the Easter was celebrated on 21st of March. From the year 325 A D, the Easter is celebrated uniformly by all the Churches.)
Note: In astronomy, full Moon days are calculated by using " Metonic Cycle ", hence fixing future Easter dates are very easy.