Thirukkural On RECRUITMENT
Thiruvalluvar speaks of effective recruitment in the Kural 507.
Recruitment is the process of finding a potential candidate for a particular post. Variety of parameters like academic background, personality traits, experience, team spirit, etc, are considered.
Recruiting a right person is a challenging task for every manager or HR Personnel.
Right recruitment strategies will bring spectacular results. Poor recruitment will affect the entire performance of the organisation.
Because of the fond affection , in modern days, selecting "unfit or unworthy" candidates from family circle or friends circle for responsible posts had become common , it is referred as nepotism.
Nepotism is the favour shown to the relatives or friends without considering the merits. Indian political and administrative systems are notoriously known for nepotism which had led the Nation towards wide spread corruption.
In India , bribery is an extra constitutional growth which had given birth to faulty recruitments leading to unworthy and untrusted people occupying top decision making posts. Even Indian Armed Forces are not exempted. Thiruvalluvar warns that faulty recruitments will lead to endless problems and troubles to the managers or higher authorities and ultimately bring disaster to the country or organisation.
In case, a manager is forced to recruit an unfit candidate, what he has to do? He should not trust him, by using some "checks and balances" the candidate should be monitored, otherwise he will create continuous worries to the manager leading to frustration.
At the same time a manager should not doubt a candidate hired after a perfect recruitment, if he doubts , it will also lead to constant worries.
In simple terms :
"Trusting unworthy and doubting worthy" - both will cause constant worries (Kural 510)
unworthy= totally unfit for the post, worthy= totally fit for the post
தேரான் தெளிவுந் தெளிந்தான்கண் ஐயுறவும்
தீரா இடும்பை தரும்.( 510)
தேரான் தெளிவும் = Trusting unworthy, தெளிந்தான்கண் ஐயுறவும்= Doubting worthy.
தீரா இடும்பை தரும். = will lead to constant worries.
In modern days, the successful Corporate Companies concentrate much on the right process of recruitment. They totally avoid nepotism in filling the key posts. Thiruvalluvar cautions against the faulty recruitment by nepotism in the kural 507.
He says, it will cause disaster to the administration.
Well established firms will also fall if unworthy people who are selected by favouritism occupy the key posts. It is a wonder Thiruvalluvar speaks of the principles of modern management 2000 years ago. It shows the immortality and universality of Thirukkural
In simple terms, the essence of kural 507 is
"Recruitment made through favouritism (nepotism)
will lead to all kinds of disaster." ( kural 507 )
In Tamil :
காதன்மை கந்தா அறிவு அறியார்த் தேறுதல்
பேதைமை எல்லாம் தரும் ( 507 )
காதன்மை = Favourtism because of fond affection
பேதைமை = all kinds of disaster