Monday, October 22, 2012

Incarnation ( Rebirth )

(I am confused Series)
Incarnation ( Rebirth )

There are several religions,
Every religion has its own doctrines or dogmas.
Hinduism has no founder, it has evolved with the life of people.
It preaches  ' art of living ' . It divides life into four stages.

Brahmacharya for learning ( till  the age of 25 ).
Grihastha for married household life ( 25 to 49).
Vanaprastha for detachment  from worldly responsibilities ( 50 to 75 ).
Sanyasa for total renunciation of worldly pleasures ( after 75 ).

Hinduism prescribes four goals of life,
Dharma  demands righteousness in every deed.
Artha is the wealth which should be earned in accordance with dharma.
Kama is the pleasure in life, Moksha is the liberation from the rebirth.

Hinduism  strongly believes in rebirth ( theory of karma ).
Christianity and Islam reject rebirth theory.
On rebirth,  Hinduism stands one side and other two in opposite side. 
' Which theory  is correct ?  is there rebirth ? '

Many persons have claimed to record memories of their past lives,
But Parapsychology departments of various universities,
Till to-day have not come out with a firm answer.
Inspite of several researches., they say, ' it is a  Psychological stuff '.

But in Tibetan tradition, Dalai Lamas are Gurus.
The present Dalai Lama ( Year 2011) is the 14th  Guru  ( Name :Tenzin Gyatso )
These Dalai Lamas are  believed to  reborn ( incarnation ) after their death.
The reborn Dalai Lama is identified by the High Dalai Lama. 
( Lama is any Tibetan Buddhist monk, Dalai Lama is the  Tibet's spiritual leader, holding the highest spiritual position )

They have several methods, sometimes the High Dalai Lama experiences in  a dream,
Sometimes, when the dead Lama is burnt, the direction of the smoke indicates. 
Once a boy believed to be  the incarnation of a dead Lama was identified, 
In front of him a mixture of artifacts of dead Lama and common artifacts were placed.

The boy chose the belongings of dead Lama.
I has seen it in TV, this  boy less than three years of age selected correctly.
All the incarnations of previous Dalai Lamas are identified in this way.
It is a six hundred year of Tibetan tradition, to believe it or not ?

Departments of Parapsychology which is a branch of regular Psychology,
Present in leading universities of the world
Conduct a number of researches on paranormal phenomena including incarnation,
But  unable to prove scientifically  the rebirth theory.

Islam , Christianity and  Bahai faith reject the rebirth theory.
Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism  accept rebirth theory.
The Tibetan tradition proves that a  dead Lama is reborn. 
Which is correct ? I am confused.



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